PRAY FOR THERESA: Archbishop of York calls for three-day BREXIT VOTE VIGIL

THE Archbishop of York has called a three-day vigil “at this time of uncertainty” ahead of the vote on the Brexit deal, even writing a special prayer asking God to “protect Parliament from partiality and prejudice”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Jacob Rees-Mogg: The meaningful vote is 'meaningless'

will be hoping for a little help from above on December 11, when MPs will approve or reject her Withdrawal Agreement. John Sentamu, who has been Archbishop of York since 2005, has invited Christians to pray on the hour every hour from 6am on December 9 to midnight on December 11 for “peace and unity”. Archbishop Sentamu said: "At this time of uncertainty I have been asked by many people to call for prayer. Please may I encourage you to join me in this prayer vigil as we work for peace and unity at this time." 

The prayer he wrote especially for this difficult time in UK politics reads:

God of eternal love and power,

Save our parliamentary democracy;

Protect our High Court of Parliament and all its members

From partiality and prejudice; 


brexit news brexit deal vote meaningful vote Archbishop of York brexit prayer

Brexit news: The Archbishop of York called for a three-day vigil ahead of the meaningful vote (Image: GETTY)

That they may walk the path of kindness, justice and mercy.

Give them wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good.

The weight of their calling is too much to bear in their own strength,

Therefore we pray earnestly, Father,

Send them help from your holy place, and be their tower of strength.

Lord, graciously hear us. Amen. 

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brexit news brexit deal vote meaningful vote Archbishop of York brexit prayer

Brexit news: John Sentamu has been Archbishop of York since 2005 (Image: GETTY)

MPs in the Commons are set to hold the so-called meaningful vote next Tuesday, when the Prime Minister’s deal is expected to be voted down.

The agreement struck by Mrs May and the EU27 last month has sparked an uproar in Parliament, with Brexiteers fearing the UK will be trapped in the customs union forever and Remainers lamenting Britain is going to found itself in a position far worst than it was as a member of the European Union.

So far, 104 Tory MPs have publicly said they will go against the party’s whip and reject the deal.

Among them there are former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, former Brexit Secretary David Davis and .

And a poll conducted by YouGov has shown the country is also not aligned with Mrs May. 

brexit news brexit deal vote meaningful vote Archbishop of York brexit prayer

Brexit news: Only two constituencies are backing Theresa May's deal, a poll showed (Image: GETTY)

20,910 people in Britain were asked between November 27 and December 4 to rank according to their preference the Prime Minister’s deal, a no deal scenario and remain in the EU.

The pollster discovered that only two constituencies in the country put the Withdrawal Agreement first.

Remainer advised yesterday the Prime Minister to pull the vote and avoid a heavy defeat.

He said: "Personally, I don't see what the point is in going down to a huge defeat.

"But I think that's a second-order question, but the real issue is, is she prepared to work to see what is a compromise that has parliamentary approval?

"My belief is that when that process goes through, she will find that there isn't one. And if there isn't one, that's when my solution becomes more acceptable."     

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