It’s official: EU IS forcing fishermen out of work with quotas, report says

THE EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) harms fishing communities' livelihoods and put their survival at risk, while in turn making the rich richer, a new study has revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Policies imposed by Brussels on British fishermen have hugely harmed traditional fishing operations, experts from the University of Kent said.

In their paper, researchers from the Kent’s School of Anthropology and Conservation (SAC) stated the EU policies are favouring larger boats and richer owners.

As a result, smaller fleets and individuals were pushed out of their livelihood.

Professor Douglas MacMillan, one of the researchers taking part in the study, said the CFP focuses too much on fish stock conservation and has no meaningful policy regulations to ensure that quotas for over-fished stock such as tuna are equally shared amongst fishermen. 

These limitations restrict earning potential, which can impact on an individual’s personal and financial circumstances

Nick Harvey, a spokesman for Seafarers UK

He said: “This allows individual nations to implement their own policies, which more often than not are captured by local elites to enhance their wealth and power through, for example, capturing all the quota.

“Furthermore, additional conservation measures such as no-fishing zones are crude and tend to curtail all fishing activity over large segments of coastal waters, regardless of whether the fishing undertaken there is sustainable or not.”

Seafarers UK, a British charity helping people in the maritime community, agrees the CFP’s limitations on quota harm fishermen.

Nick Harvey, a spokesman for Seafarers UK, told “Seafarers UK’s research found that in smaller UK ports, real challenges exist for some fishermen because of the limited access to quota. 

brexit news eu cfp common fisheries policy uk fishermen

The EU's Common Fisheries Policy is threatening the survival of British fishermen, a study said (Image: GETTY)

brexit news eu cfp common fisheries policy uk fishermen

Seafarers UK’s recent research reported that accidents at sea were commonplace (Image: GETTY)

“These limitations restrict earning potential, which can impact on an individual’s personal and financial circumstances.”

Seafarers UK also highlighted that the same fishermen living in financial difficulties risk their lives at sea every day.

Calling upon the Government in a bid to ensure fishermen’s lives are protected as well as their catch, Mr Harvey said: “Seafarers UK is concerned that too much emphasis is being placed on fish quotas and more must be done to ensure the health, safety and welfare of UK fishermen who risk their lives to put food on Britain’s tables.

“Seafarers UK’s recent research reported that accidents at sea were commonplace, with many having experienced capsized and sinking vessels as well as falling overboard.  

“Over a third reported injuries received as a result of accidents.  

“Others reported an impact on their health as a result of their working conditions.”

The CFP has also affected also other areas of the bloc.

Dr Alicia Said, another researcher at the University of Kent, comes from a traditional Maltese fishing community and has experienced first-hand the effects of EU policies.

She said: “In Malta, the small traditional fishermen have essentially been pushed out of the water and their livelihood by government and EU policies that were actually intended to conserve fish stocks.

“At the end of the day the small guy ends up with nothing but a meagre retirement package, fishing communities fall into a spiral of decay, and profits for the large boat owners soar as they can capture all the quota and use cheap, often illegal labour to catch the fish.”  

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