Scallop War NOT OVER YET: Fishing chief warns UK WON’T sign if deal ‘not GOOD ENOUGH'

BRITAIN’S fishermen are flexing their muscles and warning France they won’t ratify the drafter agreement with their cross-Channel counterparts to end the so-called Scallop War if the offer is not “good enough”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Scallop war: Fisherman calls for more control of own fisheries

British and French ministers, alongside fishing bosses, met in London on Wednesday following a week of heated exchanges in the English Channel, in a bid to halt the violences between their countries’ trawlers.

At the end of an afternoon of talks, , and its terms could be finalised on a second meeting in Paris on Friday.

However, chief executive of Britain's South Western Fish Producers Organisation Jim Portus refrained from celebrating the end of the Scallop War.

Despite saying the deal “satisfies the honour of fishermen on both sides”, he warned it “will be rejected if it's not good enough”. 

The drafted deal no longer allows British ships to fish between May and October, when their French counterparts are also banned by national laws from catching scallops to let the fish repopulate.

But Mr Portus said he will agree to this only if British fishermen are fully compensated for the months of lost catch.

The exact “compensation package”, as it was called in the statement, will be discussed in Paris.

Asked if the French apologised, the fishing chief said: “Regret was voiced before we started our negotiations.” 

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A fishing chief warned the UK may not sign the deal to end the Scallop War if it's 'not good enough' (Image: GETTY/REUTERS)

He also explained UK fishermen have been urged to avoid entering Bay de Seine until the agreement is signed.

He added: “Then we will see details of the deal on Friday.

“Quite frankly if it's not good enough it'll still be rejected.

“The owners of the vessels have got to know they are going to be as well-off in terms of their income from where they are allowed to fish. 

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Mr Portus said he will agree to the deal only if British fishermen are fully compensated (Image: GETTY)

“This is a small area of the English channel from which they will be excluded for about three weeks.” 

French industry representative Pascal Coquet, Mr Portus’s counterpart, said the agreement reached on Wednesday was a "good deal".

Tensions reached new highs on August 29, when 35 French boats attacked British vessels, throwing rocks and slurs at them in the scallop-rich Seine Bay, before both sides started ramming each other.

The encounter, which took place off the coast of northern France, is thought to have been planned by the French, who are said to be fed up with the Britons’ freedom to catch scallops whenever they won’t, as they are not subjected to any restrictions or quotas on the pricey mollusc. 

Fisherman claims scallops war is ‘getting worse and worse’

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Dimitri Rogoff, leader of Normandy's Fishing Committe heading to Wednesday's talks in London (Image: REUTERS)

In the joint statement that followed Wednesday’s talks, France and Britain’s representatives said: “The UK and French fishing industries and governments held constructive talks today about scallop fishing in the eastern Channel including Baie de Seine. 

“An agreement on the principles of a deal has been reached. 

“The previous agreement involving the UK 15m and over fleet will be renewed.

“In addition, there is agreement in principle for UK under-15m vessels to be included in the deal. 

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Violence between French and UK fishermen broke on August 29 (Image: REUTERS)

“This is subject to a reasonable compensation package, the details of which will be defined in Paris on Friday. 

“In the meantime, there is a voluntary agreement for all UK vessels to respect the French closure period in the Baie de Seine.”

French agriculture minister Stéphane Travert welcomed the positive outcome of the meeting, saying both sides showed willingness to put an end to the clashes.

He added that reaching an agreement “is necessary for preserving the sustainable management of Coquilles Saint-Jacques”, also known as scallops.  

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