Labour HQ hit by angry protests as pressure mounts on Corbyn - ‘For the many not the JEW'

ANGRY protests gathered outside Labour’s headquarters as Jeremy Corbyn’s national executive committee (NEC) gathers to rule on the possible adoption for the party of a new definition of antisemitism.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Corbyn: Rabbi warns ‘Jewish people thinking of leaving Britain’

Police were in attendance at the Labour HQ as rival groups of demonstrators protested about the party's response to antisemitism, following months of allegations against prominent members of the party, including Mr Corbyn.

The party’s ruling body voted on whether to adopt International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s definition of antisemitism in full.

But some Labour-backing groups, including Jewish Voice for Labour, argued the move would restrict freedom of speech and the possibility to criticise Israel's actions against Palestinians.

Rival protesters supporting the adoption of the new definition branded the Labour as a party "for the many, not the Jew" while wrapped in Israeli flags. 

The two factions, positioned on either side of the London Labour Party HQ’s entrance, insulted each other, according to ITV journalist Daniel Hewitt.

He tweeted: “Pro-Corbyn and anti- protesters exchanging insults either side of the entrance to Labour Party HQ in Central London.

“Israeli flags on one side, ‘No to IHRA’ banners on the other.

“It’s a toxic atmosphere.”

When the Labour’s NEC met in July, it decided to reject the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism, sparking an angry response from many party members. 

Protesters gathered outside the Labour HQ

Protesters gathered outside the Labour HQ while the NEC is ruling on its antisemitism definition (Image: PA)

Jewish members and organisations moved to condemn the party for working out its own definition of antisemitism.

Dame Margaret Hodge, a senior Labour MP, faced an investigation from party chiefs after she labelled Mr Corbyn an “anti-Semite and racist” after the NEC ruling.

The action was later dropped.

The IHRA’s definition has so far been adopted by 31 countries, 130 councils across the UK, the Crown Prosecution Service and the judiciary. 

Rival groups of demonstrators are protesting outside the Labour HQ

Rival groups of demonstrators are protesting outside the Labour HQ (Image: PA)

Some protesters are urging the NEC to vote against the adoption of the IHRA's definition

Some protesters are urging the NEC to vote against the adoption of the IHRA's definition (Image: PA)

The Alliance does not only provide a definition, but also lists detailed 11 “contemporary examples of antisemitism”, including calling for attacks on Jewish people and denying the existence of the Holocaust. 

In July, the party decided not to adopt some of these, excluding from the party’s definition of antisemitism accusations towards Jewish people that they are more loyal to Israel than their own countries or the comparison of Israeli actions to Nazi’s atrocities.

Labour's NEC voted to adopt the full definition of the IHRA.

Deputy leader Tom Watson has also backed the move. 

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown has supported the adoption of the IHRA's definition of antisemitism (Image: GETTY)

Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said on Monday that adopting the definition in full is "a necessary minimum to begin to restore trust", while former prime minister Gordon Brown has also supported the move. 

Mr Corbyn himself has been under intense scrutiny for his past actions, comments and associations, which led many to accuse him of antisemitic behaviours. 

The Labour leader had apologised in August for appearing at a 2010 event at which a Holocaust survivor compared Israel to Nazism.

Last week he was condemned by former chief rabbi Lord Sacks for comments he made criticising British Zionists for not understanding "English irony”. 

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of antisemitic behaviours in the past months (Image: GETTY)

Stephen Kinnock, Labour MP for Aberavon, urged Mr Corbyn earlier Today to use his party conference speech later this month to show "remorse" for what has happened.

Speaking on BBC’s Today, he added that the IHRA definition should be adopted without "additions and qualifications”.

He said: "It's like pouring more fuel on the fire and that is the last thing we should be doing right now.

"The fire is clearly still burning and there is a huge amount that needs to be done to show that, not just with words but also with actions, that the leadership has listened and understood the concerns of the Jewish community." 

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