Pollution reaches DANGEROUS high level as London’s 2016 EU limit ALREADY exceeded

AFTER just eight days in 2016, London has already exceeded its limit for air pollution that it had designated for the whole of 2016.


London exceeded its pollution limit in just eight days

European Union (EU) rules stipulate that London is only allowed to overshoot the maximum safe levels of nitrous oxide in the air – 200 micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3) – for an hour, 18 times a year.

However, it had entered its 19th hour of exceeding this during rush hour on Friday January 8.

air pollutionGetty

London exceeded its pollution limit in just eight days

It will be the fifth year in a row that London has massively overshot its limitations.

A report from King’s College London found that pollution in the capital led to 5,900 premature deaths in 2010, as it increases respiratory and heart problems.

Despite Boris Johnson’s strategy to create cleaner living in the capital, plans such as the Boris Bike are so far seemingly failing as pollution remains at a dangerously high level.


Traffic is a cause for concern in London

Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said: “It is breathtaking that toxic air pollution in London has breached the legal limit for a whole calendar year within a few days.

“Worse, several air pollution monitors have been vying for the dubious honour of recording the first officially monitored breach of the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) legal limit in the world in 2016.

“Boris has still not produced any official monitor from anywhere in the world that reports worse results than London and – even if he did – scientists say London will tend to have the highest NO2 concentrations in the world because of its diesel pollution.


Smog is seen over London

“This shocking start to the 60th anniversary year of the world’s first Clean Air Act in 1956, illustrates the scale of Boris’ failure to reduce diesel fumes, which are the main source of NO2 at street-level, and protect hundreds of thousands of people on our busiest shopping streets.

“Put simply, diesel exhaust is the biggest public health catastrophe since the Black Death.”

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