Global warming and rising CO2 levels may be SAVING humanity from a devastating ICE AGE

GLOBAL warming may have saved the earth from the next devastating ice age.

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Global warming has apparently delayed the next ice age

A shocking report published today claims, due to greenhouse gasses, the next ice age may have been postponed by 50,000 years.

The earth naturally goes through an ice age cycle every 100,000 years, with the last one coming about 12,000 years ago.

Although the next one would have still been someway off, it has been set back even further, meaning the most northern parts of the world – such as northern Europe and Canada – wouldn’t be covered in a thick layer of ice, wiping out large parts of humanity and nature.

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Melting ice

Andrey Ganopolski from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, where the research was conducted, said: "In theory, the next ice age could be even further into the future, but there is no real practical importance in discussing whether it starts in 50,000 or 100,000 years from now.

"The important thing is that it is an illustration that we have a geological power now. We can change the natural sequence of events for tens of thousands of years.”

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century, C02 has been ploughed into the atmosphere.


C02 has been ploughed into the atmosphere since the industrial revolution

Now we have reached a point where there are enough carbon emissions in the atmosphere to keep it warm and offset the next ice age, the report claims.

The findings in the journal Nature say the C02 levels “will make the initiation of the next ice age impossible over a time period comparable to the duration of previous glacial cycles.”

Although it may seem as if it is a positive for most, Greenpeace says that no good can be taken from the high levels of greenhouse gasses.

Dr Doug Parr, Greenpeace Chief Scientist said: "The long term impacts of delaying an ice age for tens of thousands of years could be seen as positive but we think most people will be much more concerned about this century's impacts like rising sea levels, more flooding, droughts, crop failures and disruption that are happening because the world is getting warmer. 

“There is nothing that suggests that we shouldn't be working extremely hard to reduce our carbon emissions right now to try and limit the worst of these impacts from climate change."

It comes after another shock report revealed that crumbling icebergs may be slowing down global warming.


Large parts of the world would look like Antarctica in an ice age

Experts from the University of Sheffield suggest when the massive icebergs crumble, they release vast amounts of nutrients such as iron which help algae and other organisms reproduce in the surrounding ocean.

These minuscule beings extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus reducing the pace of global warming.

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