Queen appoints Maori-British politician to major new New Zealand role - announcement

THE Queen approved the appointment of Dame Cindy Kiro as her next representative in New Zealand.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Queen ‘has been through a lot’ since funeral says expert

The Queen approved the appointment of Dame Kiro as the next Governor-General of New Zealand. The Royal Family Twitter account shared this morning the news with a brief statement, reading: "The Queen, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of New Zealand, has been pleased to approve the appointment of Dame Cindy Kiro as the next Governor-General of New Zealand." 

Governors-General represent the Queen in all the constitutional monarchies recognising the monarch as their head of state.

They are normally chosen by the country's Prime Minister and confirmed by the Queen. 

Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state of New Zealand and the UK alongside 14 other realms. 

Dame Kiro will start in her five-year-long new role in October, taking over from Dame Patsy Reddy. 

queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: The Queen has appointed a new Governor-General in New Zealand (Image: GETTY)

queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: Dame Kiro will start in her five-year-long new role in October (Image: GETTY)

Commenting on the news, she said: "I am proudly Māori and also part British." 

Her new role, she added, is an "excellent marriage" of the two. 

Asked what she will bring to the role, Dame Kiro said: "Community and service".

The next Governor-General said she was "very surprised" to discover her country's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wanted her for this role. 

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queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: The Queen meeting Jacinda Ardern in 2018 (Image: GETTY)

She added: "This is an opportunity to serve our country."

Dame Kiro is of Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahu and Ngāti Hine descent and will be the first Māori woman to hold this role.

The next Governor-General of New Zealand has an impressive academic background and experience with working with the Government.

She used to be Children's Commissioner and has recently been awarded Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (DNZM) for her work focused on children's wellbeing. 


queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: The Queen spoke with Jacinda Ardern about the next Governor-General (Image: GETTY)

queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: Dame Kiro will be the first Māori woman to become Governor-General in New Zealand (Image: GETTY)

Dame Kiro revealed she has not yet spoken to the Queen about the appointment, but she had met the monarch before.

She described the 95-year-old monarch as "lovely". 

On the other hand, Ms Ardern did speak to the monarch ahead of the appointment of Dame Kiro. 

The Quen, Ms Ardern said, believes Dame Kiro to be a "wholly suitable" choice for the role of Governor-General.

queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: Commonwealth member countries (Image: EXPRESS)

The Prime Minister also said that during her discussions with the Queen, she passed on her condolences on behalf of the whole of New Zealand following the passing of Prince Philip. 

The Queen, Ms Ardern reported, said to have been "genuinely moved" by the lengths New Zealand had gone to mark the death of her beloved husband of 73-year. 

In April, around 500 people attended a memorial service in Wellington to bid a last farewell to Prince Philip.

The Duke of Edinburgh visited the country 10 times since marrying the Queen in 1947. 

queen news queen appoints governor general new zealand dame cindy kiro royal family news

Queen news: Dame Patsy Reddy and Jacinda Ardern at Prince Philip's memorial service (Image: GETTY)

During the service, Ms Ardern delivered a reading titled "Memories".

And the outgoing Governor-General gave a poignant tribute to the Duke, saying he was a bedrock of the monarchy.

She said: "His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was a loyal companion and beloved support to Her Majesty the Queen for more than 70 years.

"For many of us, he has, like the Queen, always been there.

"We could perhaps be forgiven for seeing him as one of the unchanging stars in our sky."

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