PMQs: May blasts HYPOCRITE Corbyn who spent 'career opposing customs union' & wants in

THERESA May and Jeremy Corbyn are set to face each other at today’s Prime Ministers Questions (PMQs) in the House of Commons after two major events shook Westminster this week.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

PMQs: May SKEWERS Corbyn on Customs Union

The debate is set to be fiery after the unelected House of Lords dealt yet another major blow to May’s Government.

Delivering its thirteenth defeat to the PM on Brexit, the Upper House supported an amendment that could effectively force the Cabinet to keep the UK within the EU’s single market, as peers calls for continued participation in the European Economic Area (EEA).

But Jeremy Corbyn may dodge that hot potato as the Lords hit him as well, as he saw 83 Labour peers rebelling against his order to abstain on the vote over the cross-party measure.

The PMQs will also focus on US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal

The UK, alongside with France and Germany, have already stated they will remain in the agreement.

For the first time in nine years, Speaker of the House John Bercow won’t be moderating the debate, as he is attending the funeral of former Speaker Michael Martin, who died last month.

Check this page regularly from 12pm for live PMQs coverage. Updates below. 

12.37pm: PMQs ends

This week's PMQs ended at 12.37pm. 

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is now set to release a statement over the Iran nuclear deal following US President Trump's announcement Washington will leave it. 

12.36pm: Question over rising crime in the UK and police funding

The PM said the Government has given £460m to police and authorities to protect the streets but, she highlighted, there is no connection between the funding and the rise of crime in the country. 

PMQs live theresa may jeremy corbyn brexit news house of lordsPA

PMQs: Theresa May is facing Jeremy Corbin over Iran nuclear deal and Brexit

12.36pm: Plastic waste is a very important issue, says PM

Alistair Carmichael MP asks the PM to work to reduce the different types of plastic and help the country to recycle it. 

The Government, said Mrs May, is committed to work with manufacturers to ensure that the plastic that is produced is recyclable.

12.34pm: Maggie Throup MP asks about the housing ladder 

Mrs May committed to Mrs Throup that the Goverment will build more home and help more people to get their foot on the housing ladder. 

Theresa May during PMQsPA

PMQs: Theresa May, Chancellor Hammond, Home Secretary Javid and Foreign Secretary Johnson

12.28pm: State of transports in the UK 

Holly Lynch MP calls on the Ministry of Transports to resign and asked the PM what the Government is doing to improve the transports in the northern parts of the country.

Mrs May replied that the UK is putting money into the implementation of the transports, especially in the MP's constituency, Yorkshire. 

12.25pm Bill Easterson asks what the Government is doing to let people climb the housing ladder

Mrs May said the Government wants to ensure that young people in the UK will be able to buy a house, and the abolition of stamp duty worked towards that goal. 

She added that the Cabinet wants to "make sure that we have jobs for young people in this country and that they are educated to do so."

"It is important that we encourage people to ensure that people are able to ensure the banking facilities that they needs"

12.27pm: More money to local authorities to improve infrastructures

Mrs May said that during the budget the Government announced that local authorities will be able to bid in to improve the state of infrastructures. 

12.25pm: May congratulated on the newly elected Conservatives 

Rachel Maclean MP congratulated the newly elected Conservative council people recently elected. 

The PM joined Ms Maclean in her cheer. 

12.22pm: PM says the UK will leave the customs union 

Matt Western MP questioned the PM on the customs union, saying that many bodies including the CBI want the UK to remain within the customs union. 

He added: “Cretinous, crazy and some other words beginning with CR have been used by some members on the benches opposite to describe the PM’s proposals for a customs partnership.

"However, credible is not one.”

May said the UK will ensure there won't be a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland but nevertheless the UK will leave the customs union, the single market and the EU. 

SNP Westminster leader Ian BlackfordPA

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford in the House of Commons

12.20pm: Questions over the European Medicine Agency

The European medicine agency is one of the body the UK would like to continue have an association with even after Brexit.

The UK will look to maintain the same level of expertise over science and medicines even after Brexit, added the PM. 

12.15pm: Ian Blackford MP speaks of the Iran nuclear deal

The MP asked the PM if she spoke to US PResident Donald Trump about the "lunacy of the action", leaving the Iran nuclear deal. 

He said: "We all woke up this morning to a much more dangerous world.

"Donald trump has undermined progress towards normalisation of relations with Iran.

"Can the PM tell us in her representations to the president did she speak on the strongest terms on the lunacy the president's actions have taken?"

The PM told the MP she did highlight him how severe his act would have been. 

She added: "I have been clear in a number of conversations that the nuclear deal with Iran should stay."

Theresa May speaks during Prime Minister's QuestionsPA

PMQs: Theresa May speaks during Prime Minister's Questions

12.11pm: "We will get the best deal for the UK when we leave the EU" 

Mr Corbyn asked when the House will debate the Brexit bill, arguing the country has been waiting for 23 months. 

But May replied that the Government is working towards the best possible deal for the UK. 

She also argued Corbyn has been against the customs union during his whole career but now, being the head of the opposition, he defends it to attack the Conservatives. 

She said: "He has spent an entire career opposing a customs union.

“Now when the British people want to come out he wants to stay in.

“I know he's leader of the opposition but that's a bit far."

12.09pm:  May - "Typical Labour letting the UK down once again"

May accused Corbyn and his party of letting the country "down once again" while answering Mr Corbyn's question over the customs union and the UK remaining or leaving it.

She said: "What would Labour give us? They want to go into a customs union with the EU with no say over trade policy with Brussels negotiation trade deals in their interest not our own.

"The Labour manifesto said they wanted to strike trade deals now they've gone back on that policy. Typical Labour letting us down again."

Mr Corbyn said: "The CBI said the customs union is a practical answer. Ruling out customs union risks job"

12.07: Corbyn calls "crazy" the Government's Brexit strategy

Corbyn said: “Does the PM agree with her Foreign Secretary that the plan for a customs partnership set out in her Lancaster House speech is “crazy”

PM Theresa May replied: “We are leaving the European Union, we are leaving the Customs Union but of course for our future trade relations we will have to agree trade relations."Maintain no hard border with Ireland and Northern Ireland and have as frictionless trade as possible.”“What’s crazy is a leader of the opposition who for years opposed TTIP but now has a policy of signing up to TTIP with no say at all."

12.05pm: The House passes condolences to the family of Lord Martin 

Theresa May renewed the condolences to the family of Lord Martin, died last month, before taking the first question.

Ms May confirmed the Government will seek an agreement concerning EU immigrants working in the UK and UK citizens moving to the bloc to work. 

Labour party leader Jeremy CorbynPA

PMQs: Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking in the House

12.00pm: PMQs set to begin

Northern Ireland Office Questions is just coming to a close and PMQs should start any moment. 

Follow live updates here. 

11.55am: Karen Bradley answers Northern Ireland Office Questions 

Northern Ireland Secretary Ms Bradley is answering the last questions over Northern Ireland before the beginning of the PMQs. 

Many queries concerned Brexit and the potential creation of a hard border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. 

Ms Bradley stated that the Government is "committed to no hard border".

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