‘One year to change UK's mind' Barnier warns Britain has 12 months to REVERSE Brexit

THE European Union's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has warned the UK has one year left to change its mind about the withdrawal from the EU and has issued a series of conditions and deadlines.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Barnier outlines key Brexit standards UK need to commit to

Britain will be able to retain its position as a EU state member if it changes its mind before 30 March 2019, when Brexit will become a reality, Mr Barnier said.

Speaking to several European media, he added that such a U-turn would not be automatically accepted by the bloc but “would still require a unanimous decision by the 27 European governments.”

The UK will not be able to u-turn on Brexit after the end of March 2019, when the UK “will be irrevocably outside the EU”.

But, he said, Britain will still have time to decide to remain within the single market and the customs union until the end of the transition period, December 2020.

During those months, the UK and the EU will thrash out a trade deal. 

Mr Barnier said: "The negotiations resume next week but time is running out, we must finish by October to make room for ratifications”.

The bilateral talks could stall on two key points, the governance of the future agreement and a solution to the problem posed by the potential institution of an Irish border.

Although progress has been made, the EU chief negotiator warned the “most difficult part is still to come”.

He said: “We are at a key point in negotiations, right at the halfway point. 

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Michel Barnier warned the UK has one year left to change its mind about Brexit

“We are slowly getting there, with stage agreements in December and March. 

“But we are still not fully there and we mustn’t underestimate the difficulties tied to the remaining 25 per cent on which agreement has still to be reached.”

Speaking about Ireland, he added: “We must not lose sight of the fact that Brexit causes a risk in Ireland.

“It was the UK’s decision to leave the EU, but it is not obliged to leave the single market and the customs union because it is leaving the EU. 

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Michel Barnier said that the most difficult part of the negotiations is still to come

“The UK says that it wants to leave the single market because it doesn’t want to abide by the rules, and the Customs Union as they want to regain full independence on trade matters, and this is the decision that causes problems in Ireland.”

Mr Barnier also spoke about the future financial relationship that will link the EU and the UK following December 2020.

He said the bloc is “open to all options”, including an agreement similar to the one between Norway and Brussels.

The Norway's European Economic Area (EEA) agreement with the European Union gives the country access to the single market.  

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