Thank You Nigel event brings out the stars as Ukip leader celebrates spearheading Brexit

NIGEL Farage was last night feted by a wealth of well-known names as the man who spearheaded the successful Brexit vote – after 25 years of campaigning.

Nigel Farage hails the Express for backing Brexit

The Thank You Nigel event comes after American President-elect Donald Trump shocked Downing Street by saying that the Ukip leader would do a “great job” in Washington as the UK ambassador.

At a celebration held at The Ritz in London, Mr Farage was greeted by backers and party members.

The party was attended by Daily Express owner Richard Desmond – who donated £1.3million to Ukip – and his wife Joy.

Mr Farage, who is a great friend of Mr Desmond, said: “I will always be very appreciative of what Richard and the Daily Express have done for Ukip and for Brexit.”

The party was thrown by a number of Mr Farage’s allies, including the Barclay brothers, who own the Ritz and Arron Banks, who spent £7.5million on the Leave.EU campaign.

The reception for 120 guests marked a year which has seen Mr Farage help secure the Brexit vote and become one of the first politicians to be granted an audience with the US President-elect.


Nigel Farage was feted as the man who spearheaded Brexit after 25 years of campaigning

Richard and Joy Desmond Nigel FarageSTEVEN FINN

Richard and Joy Desmond celebrate at the Ritz with Nigel Farage last night

Andy Wigmore, communications director of Leave.EU, said: “Arron and a few others wanted to thank him for Brexit and everything he has done and invited an eclectic mix of friends that he wanted to have a Christmas drink.

He has had a hard year and done a good job and we wanted to thank him for that

Andy Wigmore, Leave.EU

“He has had a hard year and done a good job and we wanted to thank him for that.”

Guests at the event were greeted by pyramids of Ferrero Rocher chocolates – a reference to Trump’s ambassador comment.

The famous iconic Ferrero Rocher advert was based on an ambassador’s residence and reception.

Just prior to the bash, Mr Wigmore added: “The Ferrero Rochers are very important. “We have done them in pyramids and the going-away gift is a box of Ferrero Rocher!”

Farage says the EU will not exist in a few years


The reception for 120 guests marked Farage's achievements with Brexit and in US politics

Other guests invited included Ukip donors Jim Mellon, an Isle of Man-based tycoon, and Paul Sykes, the Yorkshire businessman.

Labour MP Kate Hoey, who campaigned for Leave.EU, and the retail millionaire Labour donor John Mills were also on the guest list.

Mr Farage also gave a speech reflecting on his year in politics, which has delighted supporters but shocked his opponents.

In addition to helping secure a vote for us to leave the EU – after decades of campaigning – Mr Farage said it had been a “bolt from the blue” earlier this week when Mr Trump suggested on Twitter he should replace the British ambassador in Washington, Sir Kim Darroch.

While Downing Street quickly ruled out the suggestion, Mr Farage insisted the UK government should exploit his established links with Mr Trump’s inner circle, including with his chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

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