'You wanted Scotland OUT' May blasts back at Robertson over SNP's Brexit double standards

THE SNP’s leader in Westminster was called out over his party’s double standards over Brexit during PMQs.

May slams Deputy Leader of the SNP for Brexit trade clash

Angus Robertson pushed Theresa May over claims Boris Johnson is searching for an “intellectually impossible” version for Britain’s future relationship with the EU.

Mr Johnson reportedly told Czech newspaper Hospodarske Noviny that Britain could retain single market access while leaving the EU customs union.

In the Commons on Wednesday Mr Robertson asked: “Will the Prime Minister confirm today, to the Parliament, to the country whether the UK is likely to leave EU customs union post-Brexit yes or no?”

Mrs May responded: “You don't actually seem to understand that the customs union is not just a binary decision.

"But let's set that to one side. Let's look at what we need to do, which is to get the best possible deal for access to, for trading with and operating within the single European market.

Theresa May and Angus Robertson during PMQsPARLIAMENT TV

Theresa May slapped down Angus Robertson during PMQs

Johnson: We should not prejudge the president-elect

"You stand up time and again in Prime Minister's Questions and say to me that you want access to the single European market.

"I might remind you that it was only a couple of years ago that you wanted to take Scotland out of the single European market by making it independent."

Mrs May’s put down received raucous cheers from the Tory benches while leading SNP MPs shock their heads and shouted “no” and “not true”.

The customs union (CU) covers not only the 28 EU members, but also Turkey and Monaco and some non-EU British territories like the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.

Members can trade goods free of customs levies but must agree to impose common tariffs on imports from outside the union, making it impossible to negotiate individual trade deals with non-European countries.

The Government is yet to make clear whether it will seek to retain membership of the CU as it takes the UK out of the EU in negotiations under Article 50 of the EU treaties scheduled to be completed by 2019.

Boris JohnsonGETTY

Boris Johnson has said he wants to see Britain outside the customs union

You don't actually seem to understand that the customs union is not just a binary decision

Theresa May

Speaking to BBC2’s Newsnight, Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem warned the UK could not expect continued unfettered access to European markets after Brexit unless it accepted free movement of labour.

He said: “I think he [Boris Johnson] is offering to the British people options that are really not available. To say 'we could be inside the internal market, keep full access to the internal market, but be outside the customs union' - this is just impossible, it doesn't exist.

"The opposite does exist. We have a customs union with Turkey but Turkey is not part of the internal market. So he is saying things that are intellectually impossible, politically unavailable, so I think he is not offering the fair approach that gives the British people a fair view of what is ahead."

During his interview with the Czech paper, Mr Johnson was , seen as core principle of the EU.

The Foreign Secretary said: “It's a total myth - nonsense. It is stupid to say that freedom of movement is a fundamental right. It's something that has been acquired by a series of decisions by the courts.

"And everyone now has in his head that every human being has a fundamental, God-given right to go and move wherever he wants. But it is not. “

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