The unelected 'Special Ones' advising Government ministers cost taxpayers £11MILLION

DOWNING Street has defended an increase in the number and cost of ministers' taxpayer-funded special advisers since Gordon Brown's premiership.

David CameronGETTY

Government spending on special advisors hit £11million last year

Figures published by the Government yesterday showed the total bill for "Spads", who are personal appointments not impartial civil servants, topped £11 milion in the last year of the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government.

The news comes despite David Cameron - when opposition leader - demanding a reduction in the cost of Spads.

Pay came to £9.2million in 2014-15 - up from £8.4million in the previous 12 months - plus £1.9million severance payments for those who left their jobs at May's general election.

Previously increases were blamed on having two parties sharing power and needing their own teams.

But the Spad bill for the Tory-only government elected in May is still predicted to be £8.4 million this year.

There were some 92 officials recorded on the Spad payroll this month - down from 103 last year but up from 71 in Gordon Brown's last year as PM, 2009-2010, when the bill was £6.8 million.

George OsborneGETTY

George Osborne has five special advisors, including a spin chief on £125,000 a year

Ten Spads are in the top pay band, of between £95,000 and £142,00 a year, compared to six before May's election.

David Cameron now has 32 Spads, up from 26 a year ago, of whom the two biggest earners, Chief of Staff Ed Llewellyn and communications chief Craig Oliver are on £140,000 a year each, just under the PM's pay.

George Osborne has five Spads, including a spin chief on £125,000 a year, plus three officials on his Council of Economic Affairs.

Labour claimed the Chancellor had tripled his spending on Spads since taking office in 2010, with one enjoying a 40 per cent pay rise, while many families are struggling to make ends meet.

Gordon BrownGETTY

In Gordon Brown’s last year as PM, 2009-2010, the bill was just £6.8 million

Shadow Minister Jon Ashworth said: "It's clear he has one eye on the leadership as he continues to build his empire within government."

David Cameron can't bury the fact that he's broken a direct promise he made to reduce the cost of politics and curb the number of Special Advisers

Tom Watson, Deputy Labour leader

The details came in an avalanche of "transparency" data released by the Government on the Commons' last day of term, including 36 written statements and details of spending including ministerial entertaining, their use of chauffeur-driven cars - which cost £6.35 milion last year - and official gifts received.

Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson said: "The Government has released dozens of announcements on the final day of Parliament in a deliberate attempt to avoid proper scrutiny of the information and proposals they contain.

"It is a shockingly cynical move. But David Cameron can't bury the fact that he's broken a direct promise he made to reduce the cost of politics and curb the number of Special Advisers.

"Figures released today show he's spending more on these appointments than when he first entered Number 10.

Tom WatsonGETTY

Labour deputy leader Tom Watson has slammed the government over the new spending figures

"Taxpayers are picking up an ever larger bill for Tory spin doctors. At the same time, the Tories are attacking the Opposition and undermining democracy by trying to dramatically reduce the money they get to hold the Government to account.

"It's one rule for the Tories and another for everyone else."

A Downing Street spokesman insisted Spad numbers and costs had fallen since the last year of the coalition government but there were no plans to reduce numbers further.

He insisted: "Spads play an important role and it is important that they are there. By providing political advice to ministers, they allow the important distinction to remain between impartial civil servants and special advisers who provide

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