Hundreds of civil service mandarins paid MORE THAN Prime Minister's £150,000

AT LEAST 300 civil service mandarins pocket more from the public purse than the Prime Minister, new Government figures have revealed.

David CameronGETTY

At least 300 civil servants pocket more money than the Prime Minister in their yearly pay packet

The statistics released by the Cabinet Office yesterday show that 319 civil servants get more than the Prime Minister's annual salary of £150,000 with eight of them receiving more than double his pay getting over £300,000.

Among the mandarins receiving lavish pay packages footed by the hard pressed taxpayer is head of the civil service Sir Jeremy Heywood who takes home £195,000, a rise of £5,000 from the year before.

The new Green Investment Bank, set up after pressure from the Lib Dems in the coalition to push expensive green projects, employs 13 people on higher wages than Mr Cameron.

Sir Jeremy HeywoodGETTY

Head Civil Servant Sir Jeremy Heywood receiving his knighthood in 2012

This includes head of investment banking Edward Northam on £330,000.

Another top earner is the chief executive of the Aviation Authority Andrew Haines on £305,000 whose organisation also employs 13 people on more money than the Prime Minister.

The tax collection agency HMRC was recently dubbed "worse than abysmal" by MPs but its chief executive Lin Homer is on £185,000.

andew hainesGETTY

Chief executive of the Aviation Authority Andrew Haines pockets £305,000

Ministry of DefenceGETTY

The head of Britain’s intelligence service at MI5, Andrew Parker, gets £205,000 a year

A further 50 people in health quangos set up by former Health Secretary Andrew Lansley in his much criticised reorganisation of the NHS also receive more than £150,000 including microbiologist Frances Gould on £220,000 who is responsible for diet advice agency Public Health England.

It's good to see the government is opening the books on top pay in the public sector

Jonathan Isaby, TaxPayers' Alliance

Another 12 top paid civil servants are in the Ministry of Defence while the head of Britain's spooks at MI5 Andrew Parker gets £205,000.

Jonathan Isaby, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "It's good to see the government is opening the books on top pay in the public sector, but it does serve as a timely reminder of the huge taxpayer-funded salaries going to those heading up quangos.

"It's absolutely vital that the public sector top brass are held to account by elected politicians so that we can put an end to the culture of rewards-for-failure, which has been all too prevalent in the public sector."

UK needs to cut taxes: CBI chief

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