Michael Gove: Never let Jeremy Corbyn speak for Britain

MICHAEL Gove yesterday accused Jeremy Corbyn of backing “antiBritish extremists” while failing to “open his mouth to honour our war dead”.

Jeremy Corbyn and Michael GoveGETTY

Michael Gove described Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as ‘genial’ but accused him of backing foreign ex

The Tory Cabinet minister launched a blistering attack on the Labour leader for his refusal to sing God Save The Queen at a Battle of Britain memorial service. 

“For the sake of decency and democracy, we must ensure that Labour’s new leader never has the chance to speak for this country,” the Justice Secretary said. 

Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnellGETTY

Michael Gove also criticised John McDonnell's support for the IRA

He described the Labour leader as a “genial fellow” and joked that he was “better dressed, better spoken and indeed much posher than me.” 

Mr Corbyn himself called the antisemitic and mass-murdering terrorist organisations Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’

Michael Gove

But he went on to point out that shadow chancellor John McDonnell, had “congratulated the IRA on using bombs and bullets to get its way.” 

And “Mr Corbyn himself called the antisemitic and mass-murdering terrorist organisations Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’.” 

Mr Gove said the Tories had now displaced Labour as the true party of workers. 

Corbyn with friends of HamasGETTY

Questions have been raised about the nature of Jeremy Corbyn's relationship to some extremist groups

Corbyn not singing National AnthemPA

Corbyn caused controversy last month by refusing to sing the National Anthem during a WW2 memorial

“So let us today pledge ourselves to be true to the mandate we won against the odds, to be modern, compassionate Conservatives dedicated to social justice, and to fight for the poorest more passionately than anyone else. David (Cameron) won a famous victory and all those who doubted were proved wrong.”

Jeremy Corbyn talks ISIS and US

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