Labour peer Lord Adonis defects to join Tory taskforce

A FORMER Labour Cabinet minister is to desert Jeremy Corbyn’s party to lead a powerful new Government building taskforce, George Osborne will announce today.

George Osborne and Lord AdonisGETTY

Lord Adonis, right, will lead a Tory taskforce aimed at improving Britain's infrastructure

Lord Adonis has been recruited by the Chancellor to chair a National Infrastructure Commission to plan more railways, airports, power stations and other multi-billion-pound projects. 

The peer, who was Transport Secretary under Gordon Brown, resigned the Labour whip in the House of Lords last night to take up the quango job. 

Mr Osborne was due to reveal the appointment in his speech to the Tory conference in Manchester today. 

The move will be seen as a damaging vote of no confidence in Mr Corbyn’s hard-Left leadership. 

Lord AdonisGETTY

Lord Adonis was appointed transport secretary under Gordon Brown's Labour government

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Jeremy Corbyn has experienced a turbulent start as the new Labour leader

Lord Adonis was a leading moderate and highly respected figure in Labour ranks who had advised Ed Miliband on industrial strategy. 

He is to sit as a non-party crossbench peer following his decision on the offer from Mr Osborne. 

HS2 trains are unloaded at Southampton dockGETTY

Lord Adonis will oversee the completion of the high-speed rail network between London and the North

His recruitment is another sign of the drive to portray the Tories as a “one-nation” party occupying the “common ground” in the centre of politics. 

Aides said the move was designed to “take the politics out of big planning decisions”. 

Mr Osborne is understood to be frustrated by the lengthy delays over major project decisions such as on a third runway at Heathrow Airport and a high-speed rail link between London and the North.

Boris Johnson rages against third runway

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