Tories get egged as anti-austerity protesters taunt Cameron over 'pig-gate'

EGG throwing and spitting kicked off the Tory party conference as tens of thousands of anti-austerity protesters descended on Manchester.

man with egg on facePA

A junior Tory was egged by protesters

Around 60,000 marched through Manchester in protest at Government policies, benefit cuts and NHS reforms as the conference opened in the city yesterday.

MPs, party members, journalists, lobbyists and staff at the conference centre were called “scum” as they ran the gauntlet of demonstrators outside the venue. 

Several journalists complained of being spat at, while a young Tory was hit by an egg outside the venue.

Many activists sported pigs faces and noses in mockery of last month's alleged revelation Prime Minister David Cameron placed his genitals in a dead pig's mouth as part of an initiation at Oxford University.

Today marks the release of Lord Ashcroft's revelatory autobiography, Call Me Dave, with a pre-release going on sale at the Tory party conference yesterday. 

A delegate who'd been hit by an eggPA

A delegate headed to the Tory party conference was hit by an egg thrown by the protesters

Spitting at reporters is inexcusable, journalists must be able to do their jobs

Jeremy Corbyn

The march was largely peaceful but four people were arrested over one spitting incident. 

Some demonstrators hurled abuse at journalists and police eventually escorted the reporters away to a nearby hotel lobby. 

Dozens of police officers, some on horseback, were at the scene. 

Conservatives attending the conference were advised not to display their accreditation outside the secure area around the venue. 

Demonstraters carrying an NHS coffinPA

Some demonstrators hurled abuse at journalists and police before being escorted away

The abuse came despite Labour leader and pacifist Jeremy Corbyn's call for "kinder" politics and his appeal for activists to "focus on policy and take no part in personal attacks".

He is expected to address the crowd today at a public meeting organised by the Communication Workers' Union, despite leaders of the main parties traditionally staying away from rivals' conferences.

A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said he thought the abuse suffered by reporters was "inexcusable" and "journalists must be able to do their jobs".

Green leader Natalie Bennett and singer turned activist Charlotte Church are also expected at today's event in Manchester Cathedral.


Police say around 60,000 protestors marched through Manchester yesteday

Anti-austerity protester's verbal attack on Russel Brand

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