They’ve killed, raped, and violated children, but EU demands evil lags be given the vote

DAVID Cameron was last night braced for a fresh attempt by European judges to overturn Britain’s ban on votes for prisoners.

David Cameron stands underneath the EU flagGETTY

David Cameron is facing mounting pressure from MPs and voters alike to exit the EU

The European Court of Justice will tomorrow deliver a ruling that could force his Government to allow inmates to cast a ballot in European elections. 

Senior Tories expected that the decision by the EU’s highest court will fuel the growing public anger towards Brussels and boost the crusade for a UK exit from the union. 

Tory MP Philip Hollobone, a founding member of the Conservatives for Britain group of Eurosceptics, said: “If EU judges force us to give prisoners the vote it will cause uproar. 

“Parliament voted recently to reject European judges’ demands to let convicted criminals vote in UK elections. But now the EU is threatening to bring it in by the back door. 

“This shows how much control the EU has over every area of our lives. We need to take back control and vote to get out of the EU in the upcoming referendum.” 

Phillip Hollobone MPSG

Tory MP Phillip Hollobone has urged David Cameron to consider leaving the EU

Mr Cameron has admitted that the idea of rapists, murderers and other prisoners serving jail sentences for serious crimes makes him feel “physically ill”. 

The Prime Minister has resisted pressure from another international legal body, the European Court Human Rights to overturn the blanket ban on prisoner voting. 

Four years ago, MPs voted by 234 to 22 against scrapping the voting ban. 

In tomorrow’s case a French convicted murderer is challenging a law in France depriving him of the right to vote in elections for the European Parliament. 

David Cameron on Andrew MarrREUTERS

David Cameron appeared on Andrew Marr this week ahead of the Tory party conference in Manchester


Cameron met with the Croatian PM Zoran Milanovic to discuss the ongoing refugee crisis this week

Prisoner Thierry Delvigne claims the law is an infringement of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. 

The votes for prisoners issue will be yet another reason to increase support for leaving the EU

David Cameron

Article 39 says: “Members of the European Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot.” 

A legal opinion given to the judges by the court’s advocate general, one of its legal experts, has said that any limit on voting rights must by “proportionate” and subject to review by courts in each EU member state. 

As Britain’s voting ban is not subject to legal review in the country’s courts, senior Tories expect tomorrow’s ruling will mean that the blanket ban on prisoner voting is a breach of the charter. 

A judgment against the Government is certain to trigger a surge of claims for compensation for serving and former prisoners denied the vote. 

Ukip justice and home affairs spokeswoman Diane James said: “David Cameron said he would be ‘sick in the stomach’ if prisoners were given the vote. 

“If the ECJ imposes votes for prisoners against the explicit will of the British people and House of Commons, Cameron must put up or shut up on his pipe dream of EU reform. 

“The votes for prisoners issue will be yet another reason to increase support for leaving the EU. This matter clearly shows that EU law has primacy over British law making and this is completely unacceptable.”

Boris Johnson - UK could exit EU and thrive

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