Nigel Farage wants to 'lead party into the Commons' where Ukip could hold balance of power

THE cat is well and truly out the bag. I am putting myself forward to stand in Thanet South.

Ukip Farage on FridayEXPRESS

Nigel Farage is to put himself forward to stand in Thanet South

But I don't want to scream and shout about it yet. It is far from a done deal.

There are seven other candidates on the list and UKIP believes in following open and fair procedure in the selection of who will stand in the seat in 2015.

And there are some very high calibre people on that list. It would not be reasonable for me to make a fanfare about setting my sights on Thanet South before hustings have even taken place.

I stood in this constituency in the 2005 General Election and have been one of its MEPs for the last fifteen years.

Over that time I have built some strong links and associations with people in the area, especially several of those who are now serving as Kent County Councillors.

To fight a Parliamentary seat as well as leading UKIP and running a group in the European Parliament is going to be very demanding, but I believe I can work together with the people to make it happen.


Mr Farage hopes that Ukip members in South Thanet will pick him as their candidate

I hope the UKIP members in Thanet South pick me, but you never know

Nigel Farage

However I have refused all broadcast interviews on the subject as it has to be a fair contest.

I hope the UKIP members in Thanet South pick me, but you never know.

The current shape of UK politics looks as though we will not be returning a majority government on either side after the election in May.

In fact, it's more likely we could be heading towards a hung Parliament, something that hasn't happened since 1974.

UKIP is regularly underestimated and often polls far higher than many predict.

I also know that many of our supporters are steadfastly loyal and far more will be sticking with UKIP in May than the other parties realise.

The way we have built strong branches and developed clusters of local support means that we actually have a number of focal constituencies that we are targeting, and I truly hope that we will return a handful of UKIP's very first MPs to Parliament.

That means in the likely outcome that we are faced with a hung parliament, UKIP could actually hold the balance of power.


Kent is Mr Farage's home county

What better way to guarantee a free and honest referendum on UK membership of the EU than having UKIP force those terms in a Government deal?

By supporting the occasional Tory Eurosceptic you are relying on one weak voice to pull off the impossible and become the backbencher that sparks the revolution in spite of the party's Europhile leadership.

But this General Election campaign will be about much more than that.

We are appealing for your votes across a range of issues, from a clear education policy, to a positive economic strategy, a forward facing health policy that will protect the NHS and protect those most vulnerable in society to an industry and energy policy that would get Britain truly back on its feet and manufacturing again.

We are now the third force in British politics and represent an entire demographic of voters who want to see real and lasting political change.

I want to lead my party into the Commons and in doing so lead British politics towards an optimistic and global future, and where better to begin the march on Westminster than my home county, Kent?

Nigel Farage - The Facts

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