‘In a league of his own!’ Nigel Farage voted most popular politician by Express readers

A new Express.co.uk poll has determined who is the favourite UK politician among readers. But do you agree with the results?

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nigel Farage hits back at bank over account closure

Former UKIP leader has been voted as the favourite UK politician in a . Despite no longer being involved in frontline politics, the staunch Brexiteer won the support of more than a quarter of readers.

In response to being declared the , from 12.30pm on Wednesday, July 5, to 11am on Friday, July 6, asking: “Who is your favourite UK politician?”

Overall, 6,175 votes were received with Mr Farage coming out on top with 27 percent (1,662 people) backing him.

Former Prime Minister came in a close second with 25 percent (1,552 people) declaring him as their favourite.

In the , many readers shared their support for Mr Farage, with username methuselah describing him as “the best politician of his generation”.

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage has been voted as the most popular UK politician by Express.co.uk readers (Image: Getty)

Another, username faragefan remarked: “Farage is in a league of his own, and long may he be on the British political scene!”

While username DoggyDay wrote: “Without doubt Nigel Farage ‘the man of the people’ who has influenced the political scene the most since Churchill!”

And username PietPompies added “Boris and Nigel are miles ahead,” of the rest.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson came in a close second with 25 percent of the vote (Image: Getty)

Mr Corbyn also fared well among Express.co.uk readers receiving 10 percent (622 people) of the vote.

Commenting on his leadership, username mrcrypt2 said: “Obviously Jeremy Corbyn beat all the other Labour leaders, he's easily the better man.”

Username gbnews2 wrote: “As a lifelong thatcherite I have to vote for Corbyn simply because he believes in what he's doing.”

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn finished in third with 10 percent of the vote (Image: Getty)

Former Conservative Minister Jacob Rees Mogg and Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer each raked in six percent with 392 and 252 people voting for them respectively.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finished on four percent (252 people) just ahead of Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.

The remaining politicians listed each secured less than three percent of the vote while five percent of readers (315 people) answered “other” and 68 people said they did not know.

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