Boris Johnson is 'too talented and influential to be stuck in no man's land' — YOUR VIEW

A new poll has shown more than three in five readers think that the former Prime Minister will make a return.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson denies rule breaking at Chequers

Former Prime Minister ’s premiership ended last summer following a series of scandals. Yet 63 percent of readers have argued he can still make a political comeback in .

Last week the Uxbridge and South Ruislip MP was hit by new Partygate allegations and over claims he broke lockdown rules by hosting family and friends at .

Sir John Curtice has claimed that this further damage to Mr Johnson’s reputation means “there will be no political comeback” for him.

Writing in an opinion piece for the i he said that Mr Johnson has “little appeal” outside of the faithful.

He also referenced research by Savanta which showed less than one in five Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters are willing to show some regard for him. And just five percent said they would be happy to see Mr Johnson return to Downing Street.

READ MORE: Dorries claims Boris won't return to frontline politics and slams Partygate saga

Boris Johnson

Some 63 percent of readers think Boris Johnson will make a comeback (Image: Getty)

In response, from 8am on Saturday, May 27 to 1pm on Wednesday, May 31, asking readers: “Do you agree there will be 'no political comeback' for Boris Johnson?”

A total of 3,803 readers responded with the vast majority, 63 percent (2,406 people) answering “no — he will make a comeback” compared to 35 percent (1,341 people) who said “yes — he will not make a comeback”. Just two percent (56 people) said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister last summer (Image: Getty)

Many readers argued that Mr Johnson will return to frontline politics, with username goodnessme writing: “He'll be back!”

Similarly, username ginni6996 said he will “definitely make a comeback. He needs to be in frontline politics, he's too talented, too instinctive and too influential to be stuck in no man's land.”

While username Virago remarked: “Boris is the last elected prime minister of course he should make a comeback but I am not sure he would want to.”

Other readers commented that Mr Johnson should not return. Username db42 said: “Boris had his day and is not coming back.”

Username Laurie366 agreed writing: “Yesterday's man. He had several chances and fluffed them all.” Likewise, username mathmagician added: “Not a chance, he is just too unpopular.”

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