POLL: Should Nicola Sturgeon be suspended from SNP amid party finance investigation?

Opposition parties have called for the former First Minister of Scotland to be suspended from the SNP amid an ongoing police investigation into the party's finances.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nicola Sturgeon: 'No cause for concern' about SNP finances in March 2021

is facing pressure to quit the amid an investigation into the party's finances. Party insiders have alleged that the former First Minister soon after Police Scotland started investigating the party. But do you think she should be suspended from the ? Vote in our poll.

Nicola Sturgeon

POLL: Should Nicola Sturgeon be suspended from the SNP? (Image: Getty)

Sources have claimed that Ms Sturegon tried to prevent the National Executive Committee (NEC) from asking questions about more than £600,000 which went missing from party accounts.

She reportedly told a recorded meeting of the NEC in August 2021, a month after police launched an investigation: “We don’t need to talk about the finances. The finances are absolutely fine.”

READ MORE: Sturgeon faces mounting pressure to quit SNP after leaked video

One source told the Sunday Mail that Ms Sturgeon said that “there was nothing wrong with the accounts and that people should stop talking about it because it was undermining the part”.

They claimed: “It’s fair to say she was pretty raging about it. She went on at some length telling everyone that everything was absolutely fine and that it shouldn’t be discussed.”

Opposition parties have called for newly-appointed leader to take action, with Scottish Labour’s Deputy Leader Jackie Baillie telling The Telegraph: "This bombshell revelation goes to show just how central was to the secrecy and culture of cover-up that festered within the .

“She has big questions to answer over her actions and must consider suspending her party membership and that of her husband, former chief executive Peter Murrell, until the investigation has been concluded.”

Mr Yousaf has rejected calls to suspend his predecessor, saying: “We are far past the time of judging what a woman does based on what happens to her husband.” When asked if Ms Sturgeon should be suspended, he said “not at all”.

So what do YOU think? Should be suspended from the ? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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