POLL: Should junior doctors get the 35% pay rise that has been suggested?

Health Secretary, Steve Barclay said that the demands for a 35 percent pay rise were "unreasonable" as the salary of some junior doctors could increase by more than £20,000.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Jeremy Vine On 5 guest argues that 35% payrise for doctors isn't achievable

Junior doctors in England have begun a four-day with up to 47,600 members of the British Medical Association (BMA) walking out over pay. The industrial action is expected to be the most disruptive in history, with around a quarter of a million appointments and operations delayed. So, should they be given the  that has been suggested? Vote in our poll.

Junior doctors on picket line

POLL: Should junior doctors get the 35% pay rise that has been suggested? (Image: PA)

Junior doctors will strike outside hospitals for 96 hours until 7am on Saturday, April 15. The BMA has said that the salary of junior doctors has fallen 26 percent in the last 15 years.

It has called for a 35 percent pay rise to bring salaries back to 2008-2009 levels and compensate for 15 years of below-inflation wage increases.

READ MORE: Doctors’ strike ‘will hit drive to reduce NHS waiting lists’

The BMA said: “The lack of investment in wages by the Government has made it harder to recruit and retain junior doctors. If junior doctors are forced out of the  because of poor pay and conditions, the services we all rely on to look after our loved ones will suffer.”

Health Secretary, , described the strikes as “extremely disappointing” and said that the BMA’s demand for a 35 percent pay rise was “unreasonable” as it would result in some junior doctors receiving a pay rise of more than £20,000.

He said: “People should attend appointments unless told otherwise by the NHS, continue to call 999 in a life-threatening emergency and use  111 online services for non-urgent health needs.”

Meanwhile, Shadow Health Secretary , said: “The junior doctors’ strike this week will cause huge disruption to patient care. Where is the Prime Minister and why hasn’t he tried to stop it?

“Rishi Sunak says he wouldn’t want to get in the middle of  pay disputes. Patients are crying out for leadership but instead they are getting weakness.”

So what do YOU think? Should junior doctors get the 35% pay rise they want? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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