Teachers urged to ‘consider their students’ and accept pay offer – YOUR VIEW

Express.co.uk readers have shown widespread support in a new poll in favour of teachers accepting the Government's latest pay offer and returning to the classroom.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Teacher strikes: Gillian Keegan grilled on meetings over pay

Members of the National Education Union (NEU) have voted to of a £1,000 one-off payment this year, a 4.3 percent rise next year and starting salary of £30,000 from September. The decision means in England will face more on April 27 and May 2. A has found that more than four in five readers think teachers should accept the Government’s offer.

teachers on strike

Some 85 percent of readers argued teachers should accept the pay offer (Image: Getty)

Some 195,000 NEU members voted in the ballot, a 66 percent turnout, with 98 percent rejecting the offer and two percent accepting. Joint General Secretaries Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney said the deal was “unacceptable”.

However, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan described the offer as “fair and reasonable”. She said the NEU’s decision “will simply result in more disruption for children and less money for teachers today”.

READ MORE: Schools to close as teacher union members vote to reject new pay offer

In a poll that ran from 1.30pm on Monday, April 3, to 10.15am on Tuesday, April 4, : “Do you think teachers should accept pay offer and return to classrooms?”

Overall, 2,040 readers cast their votes, with the vast majority, 85 percent (1,735 people), saying, “yes”, they should accept the offer. In contrast, 14 percent (293 people) said, “no”, they should not, and a further one percent (12 people) said they did not know. 

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Gillian Keegan

Gillian Keegan described the offer as 'fair and reasonable' (Image: Getty)

Of the readers who argued in favour of the offer being accepted, username oak said: “Yes, all respect has been lost for greed.”

Likewise, username criticalthoughts said: “Yes, they are not going to get any better rise and should consider their students rather than getting greedy.”

Whereas username eubest said: “Give teachers an actual pay rise and they will return to work.”

And username Bosniabill commented: “Their whole pay system needs re-vamping.”

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