Pelosi's trade deal threat savaged – ‘Shouldn't let the EU have their way’

BRITAIN should not cave to the EU to secure a post-Brexit trade deal with the US, a new poll of readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi warned that potential trade deals between the UK and US could be at risk if unilateral action is taken over the Northern Ireland protocol. She said in a written statement: “It is deeply concerning that the United Kingdom now seeks to unilaterally discard the Northern Ireland protocol, which preserves the important progress and stability forged by the accords.

“It continues to enjoy strong bipartisan and bicameral support in the United States Congress.”

She added: “If the United Kingdom chooses to undermine the Good Friday Accords, the Congress cannot and will not support a bilateral free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.”

Ms Pelosi’s warning came after Conor Burns, the UK’s newly appointed special envoy for Northern Ireland visited Washington.

Mr Burns explained the UK’s position to US President Joe Biden’s administration and Congress.

He said there could be no negotiations between the US and EU over the Protocol.

He explained: “We seek an ambitious free trade agreement with the US. But there can be no connection between that and doing the right thing for Northern Ireland. None.”

As a result, asked readers’ opinions on whether the UK should stop unilateral action so as not to compromise post-Brexit trade deals.

In a poll that ran from 11am on Saturday, May 21, to 2pm on Sunday, May 22, asked: “Should Britain cave to the EU to secure a US trade deal after Pelosi's threat?”

A total of 7,159 people responded with the overwhelming response, gaining 96 percent (6,900 people) of votes cast, being “no”, Britain should not cave to the EU to secure a US trade deal.

A further four percent (237 people) said “yes” and just 22 people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers sharing their thoughts in a lively debate.

Nancy Pelosi

Readers slam Nancy Pelosi's trade deal threat (Image: Kevin Dietsch/Getty)

One reader, username KeithPJ said: “We British are made of tougher stuff, we are not going to be bullied by the USA or the EU.”

Username Michael Taylor said: “Of course, we shouldn't let the EU have their way.”

And username Grimreaper wrote: “Do not cave, ditch the Northern Ireland protocol.”

Some commented that the UK traded well with the US without the need for a trade deal.

Username sam the man said: “We already have trade with the US under WTO [World Trade Organisation].”

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Conor Burns

Northern Ireland Minister Conor Burns (Image: David Parry/Getty)

Username ignaller said: “We've done without such a deal for many years.”

Another, username Fzwmyh wrote: “No need. We trade perfectly well with the US without a free trade agreement.”

While username MissingEUAlready2 wrote: “Absolutely not, we shan't miss what we've never had.”

Others said that Ms Pelosi and US politicians should stay out of British politics.

Username Beau said: “Absolutely NO. The US needs to mind their own business.”

And username PaulRack wrote: “NO. They can keep their noses out of British Politics.”

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