Nicola Sturgeon: Boris vindicated! SNP buckles after Scots fury – major curbs GONE

NICOLA STURGEON has caved on her Covid measures, following England's lead with a more laid-back approach.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Nicola Sturgeon LIVE: First Minister poised to CAVE and follow Boris

Boris vindicated! SNP buckles after Scots fury – major curbs GONE (Image: SKY NEWS)

Covid restrictions at large outdoor events in Scotland will be lifted from Monday 17, the First Minister has confirmed. Addressing MSPs in Holyrood, Ms Sturgeon said she also intended to lift restrictions on indoor live events, table service and hospitality social distancing from January 24 - on the condition that the data supports this decision next week. The First Minister insisted temporary rules brought in over the Christmas period to curb the Omicron spread had made a difference. 


Positive data a result of 'people's good sense' says Douglas Ross

The positive data is a result of "people's good sense" rather than the Scottish Government's Covid restrictions, according to Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross. 

He said: "People across Scotland got their booster and self-isolated when they needed to.

"They were cautious for their families and especially careful around the vulnerable.

"That's why the data is more positive.

"The outlook is much better now not because of government restrictions, but because of people's good sense.

"The people of Scotland got this right, not the government."

Sturgeon to publish long-term guidance in 'next few weeks'

Nicola Sturgeon has said the Government will publish guidance on how to "live with the virus" long-term in "the next few weeks". 

She said: "We need to consider what adaptations we can make to manage these risks in a way that is much less disruptive to our lives and much less of a daily presence in our minds.

"These are important issues for all of us - and so as we prepare the revised framework, we will consult with parliament, business organisations and other partners across society.

"Our aim is to publish it within the next few weeks."

Sturgeon promises an extra £5million to education

The First Minister has promised an additional £5million capital funding to help schools and childcare providers to ventilate their establishments. 

She said: "I can confirm today that we will allocate an additional £5m of capital funding to local authorities and funded early learning and childcare providers.

"This is in addition to the money previously provided for CO2 monitors."

Sturgeon to lift Covid restrictions starting on Monday

The First Minister has announced that, due to promising Covid data, she will lift restrictions from Monday 17. 

She said: "I can confirm today that the attendance limit of 500 at large-scale outdoor events will be lifted from Monday, 17 January.

"That means, for example, that spectators will be permitted again at major outdoor sporting events, including football fixtures scheduled for early next week, and the forthcoming Six Nations rugby matches.

"The Covid certification scheme will remain in place for those and other events and venues previously covered, but with two changes."

She continued: "I will review the data at a meeting a week today and I hope this will allow us to lift the other protective measures limits on indoor live events, table service and hospitality and distancing in indoor public places from the 24th of January."

Cases are beginning to peak in Scotland, says Sturgeon

The First Minister has told the MSPs that the latest data suggests Covid cases in Scotland are peaking - or about to peak. 

She said: "The situation is undoubtedly serious, but perhaps less so than it might have been.

"And there are also some signs that we may be starting to turn a corner."

Nicola Sturgeon praises 'sacrifices' which have helped curb Omicron

Nicola Sturgeon said there is "reason to be optimistic" as the "sacrifices made by people" seems to have curbed Omicron infections. 

"It is very likely that the situation we face now, though serious, would have been even more challenging without the renewed sacrifices made by people across the country over these past few weeks," she said. 

Swinney defends Scottish Government's use of emergency powers

Deputy First Minister John Swinney has defended his Government's use of emergency powers during the pandemic. 

The emergency powers allowed legal changes to come into force before they were debated by MSPs.

When grilled by Holyrood's Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee, Mr Swinney said he "did not recognise" a problem with the use of sweeping legislation. 

MSP Graham Simpson pointed out that the “made affirmative procedure” had been used nine times before 20 March 2020 and 132 times since then and claimed that it meant laws could be made “with the flick of a ministerial pen”.

Anything which comes into law through the made affirmative procedure needs to be approved by the Scottish Parliament within 28 days retrospectively.

Mr Swinney said all action taken was necessary to combat the pandemic. 

Deputy First Minister John Swinney has defended his Government's use of emergency powers (Image: GETTY)

Sturgeon poised to lift crowd limits in update today

Nicola Sturgeon is poised to lift crowd size restrictions on large outdoors events in an announcement to MSPs today. 

The restrictions have seen sporting crowds limited to just 500 people. 

The lifting of the outdoor restrictions is expected to come into effect from Monday, January 17. 

This relaxation would coincide with the return of the Scottish Premiership.

Sturgeon poised to lift crowd limits in update today (Image: GETTY)

Scotland denies imminent end to free lateral flow tests

Scotland's national clinical director has denied reports that the UK Government was about to end free lateral flow tests. 

Professor Jason Leitch described the report as a "red herring" and said he had "no intelligence" to suggest the reports were true. 

The UK’s Education Secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, denied there are plans to stop providing the devices after a Sunday Times story suggested Boris Johnson would announce the change within weeks.

Nicola Sturgeon warned that scrapping free lateral flows would be an “utterly wrongheaded” approach.

Scotland denies end to free lateral flow tests (Image: GETTY)

Restrictions will not be in place 'longer than necessary' says spokesman

Restrictions "will never be in place longer than absolutely necessary", a Scottish Government spokesman has said. 

He continued: “The next few weeks are going to be extremely challenging, with the risk of major incidents at health boards and businesses and public sector services under severe strain due to an increased number of staff off sick or isolating."

Scots need 'light at the end of the tunnel', says Tory leader

Scots "need to see some light at the end of the tunnel", according to Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross. 

Ahead of Nicola Sturgeon's announcement in Holyrood today, Mr Ross said: “It is time for the First Minister to produce a timetable on the new strategic framework that she promised.

“People want reassurance that restrictions won’t stay in force for a moment longer than absolutely necessary.

“After almost two years of sacrifice, the public need to see a bold timetable from the Scottish Government that will enable us to live safely with Covid.”

Scots need 'light at the end of the tunnel', says Tory leader (Image: GETTY)

Scottish trade association joins chorus of calls to drop damaging restrictions

The Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) has joined the chorus of calls asking for restrictions to be abandoned.

SLTA spokesperson Paul Waterson said: “I think we'd all like to see the restrictions ended as soon as possible.

"We understand that the government is in a difficult position, yet the position we’re in at the moment is the worst we could be in.

"We're not officially closed, but the government has effectively closed us because they've told people to be very careful and not come out, but we’re not really getting any help of any substance.

“All anybody has to do is go through our city centres to see the amount of places that are actually closed at the moment that haven't reopened after Christmas and New Year”.

When will Nicola Sturgeon make her announcement?

Nicola Sturgeon will deliver her Covid update in Holyrood at 2pm. 

She is expected to share the latest Covid data for Scotland as well as give an update on the efficacy of the current restrictions. 

Scots could have to wear masks for years

Scots could have to wear facemasks for years to come as the First Minister prepares to brief the nation on "living with Covid". 

Speaking ahead of today’s announcement about extending restrictions beyond next week, Miss Sturgeon said face coverings "might be required in the longer-term to enable us to live with it [Covid] with far fewer protective measures".

The SNP leader also said the health service would need to be managed differently to cope with Covid in the long term, with more patients treated at home instead of in hospital.

Scots could have to wear masks for years (Image: GETTY)

Majority of Scots do not believe restrictions are proportionate, new poll reveals

Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce (AGCC) spoke out yesterday after a poll of its members found that two-thirds believe that the measures in place are no longer proportionate to the risk posed by Omicron.

AGCC director Ryan Crighton demanded: "The First Minister must announce the end of these damaging restrictions this week.

"Not doing so places the very survival of many businesses at risk and jobs on the line."

Meanwhile, more than two-fifths warned they could have to cut staff if the restrictions are not eased.

Hospitality bosses plead for social distancing to be dropped

Hospitality bosses are lobbying the Scottish Government for social distancing and crowd limitation rules to be dropped. 

Peter Duthie, chief executive of the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow, revealed his business has lost about £2m in revenue as a result of the latest restrictions.

Speaking to the BBC, he said: "It's been a hugely challenging couple of years for the industry and just when a degree of fragile confidence was returning before Christmas we were then hit by this further lockdown.

"Events matter to people - whether it's sporting events, concerts, live exhibitions - they all play a big part in people's lives."

Hospitality bosses plead for social distancing to be dropped (Image: GETTY)

'Scots need urgent answers,' says Labour

Scots need "urgent answers" and clear guidance for how the nation will proceed in the coming weeks, said Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour's spokeswoman on covid recovery.

She said: "People and businesses need urgent answers – but too often the SNP have seemed more concerned with spin than facts.

"We need to make sure any and all restrictions are rooted firmly in the evidence and backed up by proper financial support.

"We also need a real plan to protect health and social care which have been pushed to breaking point due to staffing shortages.

"Hospitals up and down the country are struggling to cope and the lack of social care packages are leaving vulnerable people stranded without support.

"The First Minister must provide the real solutions we need to protect lives and livelihoods through this wave.”

Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour's spokeswoman on covid recovery (Image: GETTY)

Sturgeon hints at move away from harsh restrictions

Nicola Sturgeon has urged Scots to rethink their approach to Covid restrictions, advocating fewer long-term curbs to public life. 

Speaking on STV News, she said: "Sometimes when you hear people talk about learning to live with Covid, what seems to be suggested is that one morning we’ll wake up and not have to worry about it anymore, and not have to do anything to try to contain and control it.

"That’s not what I mean when I say ‘learning to live with it’.

"Instead, we will have to ask ourselves what adaptations to pre-pandemic life – face coverings, for example – might be required in the longer-term to enable us to live with it with far fewer protective measures.

"We are in a position where we all want to get to as much normality as possible. All of us, me included, really crave that.

"But we need to recognise that this virus, although we hope Omicron is milder than previous variants, this virus still takes lives and it still causes significant health impacts for people.

"So we have got to treat it seriously and not underestimate the damage that it can do."

Sturgeon hints at move away from harsh restrictions (Image: GETTY)

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Holyrood for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @TaraFair_

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