Election poll RESULT: Landslide victory for Tories in constituencies WITHOUT Brexit Party

THE CONSERVATIVE Party will benefit hugely from Nigel Farage’s decision to stand down Brexit Party candidates in 317 seats, according to an Express.co.uk poll.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Election polls

Election polls: Voters said they would choose the Conservatives in areas without the Brexit Party (Image: GETTY/ EXPRESS)

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Nigel Farage’s announced that the Brexit Party would not contest seats won by the Tories in the 2017 election but some voters have voiced their anger at not being able to back the Brexit Party, with one dubbing Mr Farage “the driving force behind Brexit”.

Election polls

Election polls: Mr Farage announced on Monday the Brexit Party would not stand in 317 seats (Image: GETTY)

Election polls

Election polls: Readers opted for the Tories if the Brexit Party was not a choice (Image: EXPRESS)

announced on Monday his party would not stand in any of the 317 seats won by the Conservatives in 2017.

This came after pressure not to split the leave vote when the party announced its plan to place candidates in 600 seats.

However, with the delays and confusion around Brexit, the decision to remove candidates has angered some voters.

Hardline Brexiteers who favour Mr Farage’s “clean break” Brexit are angry at being unable to vote for the party of their choice.

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The poll of 15,288 voters revealed 10,917 people or 72 percent would vote for the if the Brexit Party was not an option.

In second place was the option to abstain with 1,888 voters or 13 percent choosing not to vote without a Brexit Party candidate.

Third were UKIP with 968 votes, seven percent, fourth was Labour with 637 votes, four percent.

Tied for fifth were the Liberal Democrats and the option of ‘Don’t know’ with just two percent of the vote.

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Election polls: Mr Johnson is not the first choice for many due to his Brexit stance (Image: GETTY)

Both the Green Party and Change UK received zero percent of the readers vote.

One Express.co.uk reader wrote: “I would only vote tory if the candidate was for leaving the EU with no deal otherwise why bother voting.”

Another said: “If I have no Brexit Party candidate to vote for I will write on the ballot paper ‘Brexit Party’ and put a cross by it.

“I urge any other voter with no Brexit candidate to do the same.”

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Many Brexiteers have said without the Brexit Party there is no viable alternative and so would abstain from voting.

One reader commented: “I would abstain. I am sick and tired of “holding my nose” every time I have voted Conservative in the past.

“No more… the Conservatives are offering BRINO or the sitting MP is a democracy denying Remainer… I will not hand over my vote to liars or Remainiacs !!!

“Therefore, there is no one to vote for.”

Election polls

Election polls: The Brexit Party will not stand in the 317 seats the Tories won in 2017 (Image: EXPRESS)

Boris Johnson will today give what has been dubbed one of his first major speeches of the election campaign in the West Midlands.

The Tory leader will highlight his determination to deliver Brexit, saying the nation must “get Brexit done to unleash Britain’s potential’”.

In his speech Mr Johnson will promise to end the “groundhoggery” of Brexit if the Conservatives win a majority at the General Election.

However, former Tory David Gauke said Mr Johnson’s plan will lead to a “bad outcome for the country”.

The Prime Minister has also faced criticism of late for his government’s slow reaction to flooding in the North of England.

Mr Johnson this morning toured areas in Yorkshire flooded by torrential rain from the past week and was heckled by residents.

One local in flood-hit Stainforth in South Yorkshire told Mr Johnson: “I’m not very happy about talking to you so, if you don’t mind, I’ll just mope on with what I’m doing.”

The woman, holding a wheelbarrow alongside the troops sent to the area to help, added: “You’ve not helped us up to press. I don’t know what you’re here today for.”

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