Labour vs Conservatives policies: How much will party pledges COST to deliver

A GENERAL ELECTION is just weeks away and parties across Parliament are ramping up their campaigns. But how much will Labour and Conservative party pledges cost to deliver?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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On December 12, the UK will take to the polls once again and elect a new government in a bid to break the Brexit deadlock. Parliament was dissolved at one minute past midnight on Wednesday, November 6 and MPs are now preparing to campaign across their constituencies.

Party pledges will be at the forefront of every voter’s mind as voters await the release of each manifesto.

The key points of and the election campaigns are already forming.

One huge aspect will be how each party plans to proceed with Brexit, which was granted an extension until January 31, 2020.

However, education, defence, benefits and the environment are all elements which may sway voters when it comes to day.

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Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: How much do the policies for each party cost? (Image: GETTY)

Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: Mr Johnson has increased his public appearances (Image: GETTY)

Both parties have pledged to end austerity, but how much will their manifestos add up to?

Although the manifestos are yet to be released, the policies already announced rack up into the billions.

Everything from the environment, to the NHS, equalising the gender pay gap and, of course, Brexit is on the table. takes a look at the break down of these staggering sums.

Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: The Tories will build six new hospitals (Image: GETTY)


Benefits and pensions

The Tories are promising an end to the benefits cap by boosting working-age benefits by 1.7 percent and state pension by 3.9 percent.

Jobseekers allowance, housing benefit and Universal Credit have all been frozen since 2015 but this will end under a Tory government.

Mr Johnson’s party are promising an end to the benefits cap by boosting working-age benefits by 1.7 percent and state pension by 3.9 percent.

This will cost approximately £5million.

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Further education

The Conservatives will pledge to boost spending for further education and sixth form colleges - with a focus on vocational subjects.

These include building, catering, manufacturing and transport.

The cost of this will be £155 million.

Prison security

On a visit to HMP Leeds in August, Mr Johnson said the government needed to help prevent young people getting sucked into crime by “wrapping their arms” around struggling families.

He said: “I don’t want to see prisons just be factories to turn bad people worse.

“We need to be making sure that they are educated and there’s not a culture of gangsterism and drugs in the prison system.”

Airport style security will be implemented at prisons, including X-ray scanners and metal detectors, in an aim to prevent drug and weapon smuggling.

This will cost £100 million

Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: Further education will also be invested in by the Tories (Image: GETTY)

More police officers

Mr Johnson has promised he will increase police officer numbers by 16 percent across five years.

This would provide 20,000 new police officers.

For the first 6,000 police recruits in the next financial year, it would cost £750 million.


There would be an increase in defence spending by 2.6 percent, making sure Britain continues to reach the NATO target of spending two percent of GDP.

This, in part, would be aimed at pacifying Tory MPs who are worried about the state of Britain’s Armed Forces.

This would cost £2.2 billion

Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: Mr Johnson has pledged to increase police officer numbers (Image: GETTY)


Mr Johnson has made several visits to hospitals in recent times as Prime Minister, which suggests he is keen for it to be known that the NHS is near the top of his agenda.

He has declared his Government is “putting more money into the NHS than ever before”, while the Conservative Party is committed to increasing NHS spending by a minimum of £8 billion in real terms over the next five years.

Six hospital trusts would be given funds for building projects for completion by 2025, this would cost £2.7 billion.

Free childcare

Free childcare hours would increase from the current 30 hours a week for three and four-year-olds from 38 weeks a year to 48.

The cost of this would be £600 million.

Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: Labour will invest in electric cars (Image: GETTY)

Free TV licences

There was outrage when the BBC announced they would be asking for TV license payment from two-thirds of over 75-year-olds earlier this year.

Mr Johnson told The Sun on Sunday he was working hard to thrash out a solution so that no ­elderly viewers had to pay.

He said: “This needs sorting out urgently and I’ll be talking to the BBC about how to sort that out.”

If the Conservatives were to cover the costs, the amount the BBC currently pays is £700 million.

Labour vs Conservative

Labour vs Conservative: Labour's pledge costs a staggering £250 ts a whopping (Image: GETTY)


Labour’s promise to voters is to implement a £250 billion ten-year infrastructure fund, paid for by borrowing to invest in infrastructure.

This includes:

Energy-saving homes

For low-income households, instead of paying for double glazing, loft insulation or better heating systems this would be free.

Others will be able to apply for interest-free loans to make their homes more energy-efficient.

This would cost £60 billion

Getting rid of the benefit cap and two-child limit

Labour will get rid of the controversial universal credit scheme, as well as the restriction of benefits being paid for only two children.

There is no estimation for this cost as yet.

Free personal care for the elderly

Another policy outlined in September this year would be to introduce free personal care for all older people, providing help with daily tasks such as getting in and out of bed, bathing and washing, and preparing meals in their own homes and residential care.

Labour’s plans to introduce free personal care is estimated by the Kings Fund to cost around £6billion in 2020/21

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Electric cars

Targeting those voters concerned about the environment, another Labour pledge is to boost research and production of electric cars.

This would cost £3 billion for research and £2 billion for factories.

National car clubs

Labour would invest in national car clubs - creating publicly owned community car-sharing hubs.

They aim to put 30,000 electric cars on the streets for hire by local people.

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Labour’s Shadow BEIS Secretary, said: “Labour’s Community Car Clubs will put collective car transport in the hands of communities, reducing emissions, improving air quality in urban areas and boosting domestic manufacturing.

“As part of our Green Industrial Revolution, clean air has to be a priority – and that means making electric car-sharing available to everyone.

“Labour will ensure every community has its own electric car-sharing club – owned and controlled by the people.”

This could cost £300 million.

Free prescription charges

Currently costing £9 per item across England, Labour would introduce free prescriptions.

Prescriptions are already free in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

This would cost £700 million.

Free TV licenses for over-75s

Like the Conservatives, Labour has picked up on the outrage the BBC saw when they announced scrapping free TV licences for two-thirds of over 75-year-olds.

Mr Watson, who is also Labour’s deputy leader, made the party’s announcement in the Mirror, saying: “Four in 10 older people say the TV is their main source of company, but from next year 3.7 million older people will lose their free TV licence.

“It’s disgraceful. Our message is clear - vote Labour to save free TV licences.”

This would pick up the BBC’s current bill of £700million.

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