European elections LIVE: Labour ‘braced with sense of despair’ as party faces WIPEOUT

LABOUR deputy leader Tom Watson is predicting a whitewash at the EU elections, blaming the party’s ambiguous stance on Brexit for losing crucial votes.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

European elections: Viktor Orban casts his vote in Budapest

Mr Watson said he was “braced for a sense of despair” as fellow Remainer MPs said they have been met with fury while on the campaign trail, with voters pledging to ditch the party with anti-Brexit parties the Greens and Lib Dems. Writing in The Observer he said : “I want reports of high turnout in Remain areas to reflect a huge gain in votes for Labour. I fear that won’t be the case.” Results of the European elections will be revealed tonight, with the majority of EU member states voting today.

Pro-EU Labour MPs Wes Streeting and Ben Bradshaw both spoke of difficult doorstep experiences.

Former Cabinet minister Mr Bradshaw said it was a “dispiriting” experience to see Labour voters “flocking” to the Remain-supporting Greens and Lib Dems.

Meanwhile, Mr Streeting said it was “not the easiest of polling days”.

EU elections Live: Labour's ambiguity over Brexit may have cost the party votes

EU elections Live: Labour's ambiguity over Brexit may have cost the party votes (Image: GETTY)

The Conservatives also fear a “total wipeout” after divisons have split the party, leading to its failure to deliver Brexit on time.

It comes after a surge in support for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, who have been predicted to win.

A recent YouGov poll for The Times of 3,864 British adults, conducted between May 19-21, found Mr Farage’s party was predicted to win 37 percent of the vote.

A total of 73 MEPs will be elected to represent the UK in the world’s largest democratic elections after India.

European Elections

European Elections: Jean-Claude Juncker could be set to lose power in Brussels (Image: GETTY)

Although official results have not been released, exit polls in the Netherlands point to Frans Timmermans’ centre-left Labor Party – part of the S&D group in the EU – winning the lions share of seats in the European Parliament.

On Sunday, polls opened at 4am UK time in eastern Europe and the last will close in Italy at 9pm UK time (10pm local time).

Seven states have already voted, including the UK, with 21 member states casting their vote on the final day of polling.

Remaining EU countries include European heavyweights Germany, France and Spain.


Mr Iohannas said Romanians needed more time to vote due to queues experienced by expats

Eu elections:Mr Iohannas said Romanians needed more time to vote due to queues experienced by expats (Image: GETTY)
7.30pm update: Emmanuel Macron suffers MAJOR BLOW in European elections
Marine Le Pen Rassemblement National is coming firt with 23.2 percent, ahead of Emmanuel Macron La Republique En Marche on 21.9 percent, according to a projection published by France 2. 

This result would confirm her right-wing movement as the strongest French party in the European Parliament, as Mrs Le Pen's party also came out a winner from the 2014 European elections, gaining 24.84 percent of the French seats. 

Mr 's party did not take part to the last European ballot as it was founded in 2016. 

7pm update: Viktor Orban to get a landslide victory
Hungary's ruling right-wing Fidesz party could win 56 percent of votes in the European parliamentary election, according to a survey by pro-Government pollster Nezopont. 

According to the poll, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's party was well ahead of the Socialists and the leftist Democratic Coalition, expected to win just 10 percent of the seats each.

The nationalist Jobbik was seen getting about 9 percent, and Momentum party 7 percent, the poll revealed. 

Voter turnout was 41.74 percent at 3.30pm BST, according to data from the national election office. 

EU elections live: Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen cast his vote at a school

EU elections live: Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen cast his vote at a school (Image: REUTERS)

6.30pm update: Sebastian Kurz's party leads 's polls despite coalition upset

A polls-based projection shows Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz's conservative People's Party commanding a strong lead in his country's European elections.

The projection, based on a survey carried out on 5,200 voters between Tuesday and Sunday - but mainly before the election - showed support for Mr Kurz's party at 34.5 percent. 

On the other hand, the Social Democrats received 23.5 percent of the preferences and the far-right Freedom Party, whose leader Heinz-Christian Strache quit a week ago over a video sting and triggered a no confidence vote, were in third place at 17.5 percent.

The surveys and projection were carried out by pollsters SORA and ARGE Wahlen for national broadcaster ORV, broadcaster ATV and news agency APA. 

EU elections live: The current elections could be the most important in living memory

EU elections live: The current elections could be the most important in living memory (Image: GETTY)

6pm update: Angela Merkel to prepare for major elections upset 

An exit poll showed Germany's Green Party may unexpectedly surge to become the second German party in the European elections after Angela Merkel CDU. 

The poll, carried out for broadcaster ARD, shows Ms Merkel's party at 28 percent, the Greens at 22 percent and the SPD at 15.5 percent. 

The socialist movement seems to be the party loosing the most, down almost 12 percentage points when compared today's poll to the results of the 2014 elections. 

But, if these projections were confirmed, the CDU would also be suffering major losses from the 35.5 percent gained in 2014. 

Far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) looks set to gain almost 3 percent, going from 7.10 to 10.5 percent.  


European elections: Viktor Orban casts his vote in Budapest

5.40pm update: Belgium's far right SURGES in national parliament elections

Far-right Flemish separatist party Vlaams Belang looked on course for major gains in an election on Sunday for the Belgian national parliament. 

Belgian voters are casting their ballot to elect both their MEPs, MPs and regional governments. 

Early projections show anti-immigration Vlaams Belang gaining consensus across the Flanders area at the expenses of the more moderate separatist N-VA Party. 

An exit poll conducted for francophone broadcaster RTL showed Vlaams Belang gaining up to 13 percent in the federal parliament. 

The poll also showed the Socialists of former prime minister Elio di Rupo were set to be the biggest party, followed by current Prime Minister Charles Michel's liberal MR party, which may have gained as little as 8 percent.

Charles Michel

Charles Michel, Belgium's Prime Minister (Image: GETTY)

5.10pm update: France's turnout rises by four percent - midday projection shows - (Alice Scarsi takes over the liveblog)

's turnout for the European elections was at 19.26 percent at 12pm, the Interior Ministry said on Sunday, up from the 15.70 percent recorded in 2014 and 14.81 percent in 2009. 

4.50pm update: Romanian President says Romanians need more time to vite due to large expat turnouts

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is calling on the government and officials at the Central Electoral Office to extend voting hours until 11pm.

He did this to enable Romanians living abroad get their chance to vote.

Various cities, including Brussels, Paris, London and Milan have experiened high turnouts of Romanian expats.

Writing on Facebook, Mr Iohannis said: “No one can block your right to vote! Please, don’t lose your patience."

EU elections live: La Lega leader and prominent eurosceptic Mr Salvini smiles as he casts his vote

EU elections live: La Lega leader and prominent eurosceptic Mr Salvini smiles as he casts his vote (Image: GETTY)

4.30pm - Matteo Salvini casts his vote in Milan

La Lega head and Italian Interior minister Matteo Salvini cast his vote on Sunday afternoon.

The politician was all smiles as he posed for cameras while posting his ballot at a polling station in Milan.

The Eurosceptic MP is looking to form an alliance of right-leaning, anti-immigration parties from across Europe, to take control of the European Parliament, after elections. 

A Politco chart of "voting Intentions" shows La Lega to be in the lead with 31 percent of possible votes, with the Five Star Movement (MS5) in second place with 23 percent.

A ballot box is emptied as staff wait to count the votes for the European Parliament election UK South East Region at the Civic Centre Southampton in

A ballot box is emptied as staff wait to count the votes for the Uk results in Southampton (Image: GETTY)

4.00pm update: When can the UK and Northern Ireland expect the results?

The results of the UK and Northern Ireland's EU elections polls are expected to start to trickle in overnight, starting from 10pm on Sunday evening.

The first results from the north east of England will be expected shortly after this.

Meanwhile, London results can be expected at approximately 3am on Monday while the firest Northern Ireland results will come in from mid afternoon.

*** UK and Northern Ireland results (ESTIMATED timings) ***

Sunday May 26, 10pm - results can start being declared

Sunday May 26, 10:15pm - first results expected, possibly from North East

Sunday May 26 - official turnout figures expected to be available some time Sunday night

Monday May 27, 1.00am - Almost all English region results expected to be in by now

Monday May 27, 3.00am - London result expected

Monday May 27, 11.00am - Scottish result expected

Monday May 27 - NI results start counting in the morning; first result expected mid-late afternoon

Tuesday May 28 - NI results expected to be completed late afternoon/evening

Mr Verhofstadt cast his vote in his home town of Ghent on Sunday

EU elections live: Mr Verhofstadt cast his vote in his home town of Ghent on Sunday (Image: TWITTER)

3.00pm update: Guy Verhofstadt casts vote in Ghent

The Former Belgian Prime Minister and Brexit Co-ordinator for the EU cast his vote on Ghent.

He also urged peope to "use their right to vote" in the biggest bloc wide election to take place in ten years. 

He tweeted: "Voting in my home town Ghent for the European and national elections. I hope you used your right to vote as well!"

EU election LIVE: Law and Justice party head Jaroslaw Kaczynski could face a new nationalist threat

EU election LIVE: Law and Justice party head Jaroslaw Kaczynski could face a new nationalist threat (Image: GETTY)

2.45pm update: Poland's ruling PiS party faces threat from far-right

Poland's ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, which is neck-and-neck with an alliance of pro-European parties, is now facing a new threat.

The Konfederacja group - formed in December from extremist and nationalist parties - has been predicted to do well in the polls.

According to a survey, the alliance is projected to win 7.2 percent in Sunday's election, which is above the 5 percent threshold needed to win seats in the European Parliament.

Joanna Sawicka, a political analyst at think tank Polityka Insight, told POLITICO: "PiS took over a part of the far-right electorate after the 2015 general election, when no far-right party made it to the parliament.

"That’s why it recently had over 40 percent of support in the polls.

"Now Konfederacja is mobilizing its radical voters, some of whom have supported PiS in recent years. That’s why PiS is so afraid."

Poles’ overwhelming support remaining in the bloc, and the PiS party has never called for Poland to leave.

But opposition leaders say the party's fierce anti-EU rhetoric and a series of disputes with Brussels bring "Polexit" a step nearer. 

EU elections live: President Macron emerged to cast his vote in La Touquet

EU elections live: President Macron emerged to cast his vote in La Touquet (Image: REUTERS)

2.30pm update: More EU leaders cast their votes including Macron and Juncker

More EU leaders and figures have cats thir votes in the bloc wide poll this afternoon.

French President Emmanuel Macron was seen grinning as he entered and exited a polling booth in Le Touquet, France.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen votes at Nyboder School in Copenhagen.

Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker cast his vote in his home nation of Luxembourg.

Mr Juncker tweeted a picture of himself with the caption: "I just voted. Every vote matters! Vote like it counts."

Jean-Claude Juncker tweets about his ballot

EU elections live: Mr Juncker urged Europe to "vote like it matters" (Image: TWITTER/JUNCKEREU)

EU elections live: Six countries are dominating the bloc-wide poll

EU elections live: Six countries are dominating the bloc-wide poll (Image: GETTY)

2.05pm update: The six countries to watch as EU braces for shake-up


Matteo Salvini is hoping to gain significant ground in the EU this year, as he stepped up intensive campaigns to have his right-wing League party gain a majority.

The interior minister has been busy extending the influence of the League throughout Europe and established a group of populists within Parliament with French, German and Austrian counterparts.


French voters are experiencing a sensation of deja vu, as the French EU competition is a runoff between far-right flag-bearer Marine Le Pen and French President Emmanuel Macron.

The two were the main frontrunners in the 2017 election, and their clash reflects the growing divide between EU supporters and critics, edged by growing anti-immigration sentiment.


Angela Merkel’s fragile governing coalition with the Social Democrats is under threat, as the latter party is performing poorly in the polls.

The elections serve as a test for the other half of the coalition as well, the first for new Christian Democratic Union leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Far-right party Alternative for Germany and the Greens are tipped for a meteoric rise


With an original Brexit date of March 21 this year, the UK was never supposed to stand in the EU Parliament elections.

Currently in the lead is the Brexit Party, which hopes to deliver the result of the 2016 referendum from within, and the Liberal Democrats who won a sweeping majority in the recent local elections.


Populist sentiment is echoed in Hungary, as Prime Minister Viktor Orban described the elections this month as an opportunity for anti-immigration ideologies to grow their influence in the EU Parliament.

Mr Orban’s Fidesz Party membership with the European People’s Party (EPP) was suspended in March this year, as concern grew for the state of Hungary’s democracy.


Austria’s leading Freedom Party has been caught up in a political scandal which upended leader Heinz-Christian Strache.

The Vice-Chancellor was recorded seemingly offering favours to an alleged Russian investor during a boozy meeting on the Spanish island of Ibiza two years ago.

European elections: Police clash with yellow vests in Brussels

1.20pm update: Yellow vest protesters clash with police in Brussels

BELGIAN police have used tear gas and batons to quell rioting protestors in Brussels during the final day of voting in the EU elections.

Video footage showed swarms of protestors attacking riot police in the Belgian capital, as the country voted at the EU elections.

Belgian police retailaited using tear gas, water cannons and batons in front of protesters.

On the same day, the country is also voting on domestic elections.

Yellow Vest protestors have clashed with police in the Belgian capital

Yellow Vest protestors have clashed with police in the Belgian capital (Image: REUTERS)

Viktor Orban casts his EU election vote in Hungary

EU elections live: Mr Orban predicted eurosceptic politics will change the bloc as he cast his vote (Image: GETTY)

12.50pm update: Hungary PM says EU as we know it will CHANGE

HUNGARY’S Prime Minister predicted a rise in eurosceptic politics across the bloc.

After he cast his vote this morning, Viktor Orban told reporters he hoped the European parliamentary elections would strengthen anti-immigration forces in Europe.

Prime Minister Orban said: “I hope that there will be a shift in the European public arena in favour of those political parties who would like to stop migration.

“We reject migration and we would like to see leaders in position in the European Union who reject migration, who would like to stop it and not to manage it.”

Mr Orban, whose Fidesz party is expected to win the election by a landslide, declined to comment on whether his party would join join Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini’s Europe-wide, right wing party alliance after the election.

EU elections Live: Counting begins in Ireland; exit polls predict the Green Party will make gains

EU elections Live: Counting begins in Ireland; exit polls predict the Green Party will make gains (Image: PA)

12.30pm update: Election results count underway in Ireland

Counting has begun across Ireland, with an exit poll saying results are widely expected to see a surge for the Green Party, as well as disappointment for Sinn Fein.

Broadcaster RTE said the increased support looks widespread, even accounting for a 4 percent margin of error, and could see an unexpected boost in Ireland's two other constituencies.

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan said the surge is "reflective of a green wave of thinking that's happening all over the world".

Fine Gael leader Leo Varadkar interpreted the Green surge as a signal from the electorate that they want the Government to "do more on climate action".

But he added it has been a very good election for his own part, telling RTE: "We have won the popular vote. And our vote is up in all three constituencies.”

The European election count for Ireland's three constituencies - Dublin, South, and Midlands-North-West - started on Sunday morning at centres in Dublin, Cork and Castlebar, County Mayo.

Sinn Fein president Mary-Lou McDonald has insisted her party still hopes to return four MEPs - three in the Republic of Ireland and one in Northern Ireland, saying: "We are in the hunt still for four European seats, these are tight contests.

"We don't have anything beyond the exit polls but I can say two things that we knew all along, that each of the contests will be very competitive and tight, and that we are still very much in the reckoning in all of those contests."

Irish voters will elect 13 MEPs, however two will face an uncertain wait over when they can take their seats due to the Brexit delay.

A Europe-wide embargo means the first results in the bloc-wide poll will not be declared until 10pm.

EU elections live: a man casts his ballot in Romania, a country experiencing a high voter turnout

EU elections live: a man casts his ballot in Romania, a country experiencing a high voter turnout (Image: GETTY)

12.10pm update: Romania also experiencing record voter tournout

Romania is also experiencing a boost in voter turnout compared to the last EU election.

At 1pm local time, figures showed 19.83 percent of voters had gone to the polls -higher than the 12.54 percent recorded in 2014.

Romanians are also voting in a referendum on controversial judicial reforms today.

Turnout for the referendum vote by midday was 16.14 percent. For results to be valid, turnout needs to have reached 30 percent by the time polls close.

A trompe l'oeil shows two workers painting the European Union flag on the side of a building in the French capital Paris

EU elections live: Record numbers of voters have been recorded in France (Image: GETTY)

12.00pm: France experiences high voter turnout numbers

The French Interior Ministry said on Sunday that the country had experienced a record turnout of people voting in the EU elections.

The figures showed a 19.26 percent participation rate by 10.00am GMT (12.00pm local time) - a rate significantly higher than during the 2014 vote.

The 19.26% rate compared to 15.70 percent during the same time of day in 2014, and 14.81 percent in 2009.

European elections: Polls open for voters in Brussels

11.45am update: Record turnout of Belgian nationals casting votes abroad

The Belgian Foreign Service reports record turnout among Belgians outside the country.

Around 180,000 citizens voted in Belgian consular missions around the world.

It is the highest number of Belgians to have ever voted abroad, the consular said.

In 2011, Belgium became the world-record holder for not having a government for the longest amount of time.

The latest polls suggest straightforward coalitions in the country’s three regions: a right-wing majority in Flanders and left-wing majorities in Wallonia and Brussels.

Voting in Belgium is obligatory, according to DW's EU correspondent Georg Matthis.

Labour MP and Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell

Labour is set "for a good kicking" said the party's Shadow Chancellor (Image: GETTY)

11.30am update: Labour is “heading for a good kicking” in elections

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell is also predicting a Labour whitewash in the Eu elections.

His comments follow Labour Deputy Tom Watson saying the party must find “some backbone” as he said the party's stance on Brexit had potentially lost votes.

Mr McDonnell told Sky News: "I think we most probably will get a good kicking in the election results tonight.

"We'll see. We are braced for that. But, you know, we had to do the responsible thing.

"It was a hard road to follow. But someone had to be there and say 'Can we bring the country back together again?'

"And it would have been easy to go to one side, go to the Remain side and ignored all those people who voted Leave - that's not the nature of our party.

"We are the party that is trying to bring people back together again.

"That's been difficult electorally for us in these elections, of course it has. But now we have got to move on."

EU elections live: Far right leader Marine Le Pen is asaid to be neck and neck with Emmanuel Macron

EU elections live: Far right leader Marine Le Pen is asaid to be neck and neck with Emmanuel Macron (Image: EPA)

Donald Tusk also cast his vote on Sunday in Poland

EU elections live: Donald Tusk also cast his vote on Sunday in Poland (Image: REUTERS)

11.15am update: Marine Le Pen, Donald Tusk and other EU leaders cast their votes

During the final day of voting in the EU elections, some of Europe’s biggest political names have cast their vote in what is being tipped as the most important bloc elections in living memory.

Far right leader Marine Le Pen Rassemblement National (RN) President was seen smiling as she cast her vote in Henin Beaumont, Northern France.

Recent polls suggested she was neck and neck with President Emmanueal Macrons liberal party.

In Spain, acting Prime Minister and Socialist Workers Party leader (PSOE) Pedro Sanchez cast his vote on Zagreb, Croatia, with his wife Maria Begona Gomez Fernandez.

In Wiledenburg, Germany, European People’s Party (EPP) Manfred Weber - a frontrunner for the job of European Commission President - looked relaxed as he attended a polling station.

Meanwhile, Donald Tusk addressed reporters after he cast his vote ag a polling station in Sopot, Poland.

Polls will close at 9pm BST after the last station closes in Italy.

EU elections live: Mr Sanchez was all smiles as he cast his vote while in Zagrab, Croatia

EU elections live: Mr Sanchez was all smiles as he cast his vote while in Zagreb, Croatia (Image: GETTY)

10.50am: Europe’s 'federalist old guard’ may be challenged for first time ‘in decades'

The Sunday Express' diplomatic editor Marco Giannangeli has said Europe's “old guard” may find their power challenged for the first time in decades.

Experts claim this weekend's polling demonstrates the most important EU elections in living memory.

As 400 million voters across the Continent await the results this week, there are already signs that EU members are more divided than ever, with more challenges from populist and Right-wing parties.

Last week Poland said it wanted to implement the so-called “Red Card” system negotiated by David Cameron - which would allow a small group of EU members to veto legislation.

It comes as Brussels indicated an increased appetite for getting rid of the current need for agreements on major foreign policy and defence decisions.

Hungary’s nationalist prime minister Viktor Orban is also gaining support for his vision of ‘illiberal democracy’, which aims to check Brussels’ power.

Merkel's CDU party could inflict loses on the SPD in Bremen - but risk breaking the coalition gov

Merkel's CDU party could inflict loses on the SPD in Bremen - but risk breaking the coalition gov (Image: GETTY)

Joe Gamp taking over live reporting from Claire Anderson.

10.25am update: Germany's SDP party set to lose bastion state of Bremen to Merkel's CDU

Voters in the northern state of Bremen look set to inflict a humiliating blow to Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), that could hasten the end of their loveless federal coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Party (CDU).

Polls in Germany's smallest state, focused on the port city of the same name, are tight but indicate the SPD risks losing a stronghold it has ruled for 73 years.

No other German state has been ruled by the same party for so long.

Elections to the European Parliament on the same day as Bremen's parliamentary vote could pile further pressure on Merkel's "grand coalition".

The SDU reluctantly re-entered a Merkel-led coalition last year after slumping to its weakest level since 1933 in the 2017 federal election.

It has since sunk even lower, polling at about 17 percent, more than 10 points behind the conservatives.

european election

European Election: Frans Timmermans’ Labor Party is ahead in the exit poll (Image: AFP/GETTY)

06.00am update: ‘Brussels will panic under no deal PM’ says Brexiteer columnist

Janet Daley, a Brexit-supporting columnist, revealed that the European Union would be pressured into accepting UK demands if the Conservatives elect a leader who pursues a no-deal Brexit.

Speaking on this, Daley told BBC Dateline: “Macron is absolutely adamant that there is no further extension.

“The question is whether the heads of European states will be able to risk a no deal.

“It will be very disruptive to many of the economies of the European states, particularly Germany."

She added: "The EU will have to go back to their people and tell them that they didn’t make the necessary concessions to prevent a no deal.

“They will be forced to explain why they allowed a no deal to happen.

“They might just panic and think, we don’t want no deal, we don’t want to fall off a cliff.

“If there’s a leader who is not ready to give up concessions to Brussels, this may happen."

04.00am update: Huge turnout of voters last Thursday due to Brexit antipathy and Westminster chaos according to initials figures

Across the European Union, just four in every ten voters registered in the 2014 elections.

The UK had a voter turnout of 35.6 percent in 2014, compared to the EU average of 42.61 percent.

Britain’s voter turnout for the European elections is similar to the proportion of people who vote in local council elections.

Turnout is highest in Belgium and Luxembourg as both of these nations have made voting compulsory.

But reports across the council suggest that there was a shocking increase in voter turnout.

Among the local turnout figures published so far, Cardiff recorded an increase of nearly 10 percentage points in turnout from 2014, 41.6 percent in total this time compared to 31.7 percent (valid votes cast) five years ago.

02.00am update: Nigel Farage vows ‘we’re here to stay’ as Brexit Party likely to make huge gains

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage wrote in the Sunday Express: “Boris pledges that the UK will definitely leave the EU on October 31, “Brexit deal or no deal”. But why should we trust him to keep his word?

“The Brexit Party has taken politics by storm by fighting on a positive message. We are the only party that can be trusted to deliver Brexit.

“Whatever happens with the European election results tonight, and whoever takes over as Tory leader, one thing is for certain. The Brexit Party is here to stay.”

Sunday May 26

12.01am update: European elections results to be worst in Tories entire history, warns Priti Patel

Writing in the Sunday Express, Ms Patel said: “Not only is the party set to have its worse result in a nationwide poll in its 180-year history but we find ourselves competing with minority parties.

“We are witnessing the disintegration of trust in democratic institutions as the public rightly blame out-of-touch politicians who have colluded to block Brexit.

“We have had a Government obsessed with winning a vote in the House of Commons on a terrible deal for our country, with MPs trying to negotiate deals with one another and an Opposition led by someone who simply has no concept of the national interest.

“Now, following the European Election results, our establishment cannot continue to turn a blind eye.

“For three years the establishment has patronised and sneered at the people but the backlash from these results cannot be ignored anymore.”

nigel farage

Nigel Farage has vowed the Brexit Party is "here to stay" (Image: GETTY)

Claire Anderson taking over live reporting from Paul Withers.

8.33pm update: Tory ‘KICKING’ could lead to no deal Brexit, warns Iain Duncan Smith

Iain Duncan Smith issued a warning to the Tory party insisting the next leader must implement Brexit and be open to the option of a no deal exit from the EU.

The Brexiteer reflected on the failures of both the Labour and Conservative Party ahead of the release of the results of the European elections on Sunday.

He said the predicted “kicking” the Tory Party will receive could result in a no deal Brexit becoming an option if Brexit talks start again with a new Tory leader.

When asked about restoring confidence in the party the Leave supporter replied: “I am more concerned about the future of my country and democracy rather than party.

“Here is the problem, the British people said after being asked, to leave the European Union.

“They gave a very strong vote for that and we haven’t delivered that.

"We were meant to deliver it on March 29 and it didn’t happen so the way forward with votes for the Conservative Party and for the country is we now must get on and deliver Brexit, leave the EU and forge our way.

“I am really optimistic and I think the British people are the most flexible, most tolerant and most innovative people on the face of the planet.

“I know they will deal with whatever is thrown at them but we need to deliver now on what they said and leave the EU.

“Whoever is the candidate needs to pledge that we will be leaving we are not going to delay it, we are not going to extend it, we will leave now."

European elections: Frans Timmermans casts his vote in Heerlen

7.18pm update: Ireland’s Green Party on course for first European Parliament seats in 20 YEARS

Support for the Green Party in Ireland has surged during European elections, putting it in line to take its first seats in the European Parliament for 20 years, an exit poll showed on Saturday.

According to a RED C exit poll of 3,230 voters in stations across Ireland for broadcaster RTE/TG4, the Greens were set to win as many as three of the 13 European seats available.

Irish Green leader Eamon Ryan said in a statement issued by the European Greens: "We cannot yet count our chickens but the exit polls for the Irish Greens are extremely encouraging.

"Our MEP candidates Ciaran Cuffe, Saoirse McHugh and Grace O'Sullivan have put their heart and soul into campaigning across the three constituencies over the past few months."

He told RTE earlier: "We knew there was going to be a Green vote and it's everywhere; it's rural Ireland, urban Ireland, younger Ireland, older Ireland.

"It's reflective of a green wave of thinking that's happening all over the world, all across Europe. We were waiting for it to rise here and it has risen today.

"We still don't know the results obviously. We're going to be close on a couple of the European seats. I think we're in with a chance."

European Election

European Election: Manfred Weber leader of the EPP (Image: REUTERS)

6.10pm update: Alastair Campbell SHUNNED Labour to vote for ‘Remain party’ in European elections

Alastair Campbell has admitted he shunned Labour and instead voted for an unequivocally pro-remain” party in the European elections.

Tony Blair’s former spokesman told BBC Radio 5 Live it was the “first time in my life” he did not vote for Labour in an election.

He also launched a stinging attack on the party, warning its “policy of riding two horses has failed”.

Mr Campbell told Stephen Nolan: “I voted for one of the unequivocally pro-remain, pro-People’s Vote parties and I did that because I think that’s the right thing for the country.

“I also think it’s the right thing that the Labour party gets the message that this policy of riding two horses has failed.”

European Elections

European Election: Emmanuel Macron is trailing Le Pen in the latest poll (Image: GETTY)

Paul Withers taking over live reporting from Luke Hawker.

4.15pm update: Macron against the expansion of the European Union

Emmanuel Macron has declared he is opposed to expanding the European Union beyond its current 28 member states, in what could be seen as damning blow to the EU project.

French President has stated he is against creating a “United States of Europe” because the bloc is already “very complicated”.

Mr Macron insisted his vision is to enable a much more “united Europe” but one which enable countries to have more say on their domestic policies.

In an Interview with Youtube Mr Macron said: “I don’t support complete federalism. I am in favour of a much more united Europe. I believe in national and European sovereignty. That means that we decide our own destiny and we set our own rules.”

He added: “I do not want to create the United States of Europe because the heads of state and government still have a role to play.”

European elections: Le Pen leads Macron ahead of vote

2.45pm update: Macron to be taught ‘humility’ if French President suffers losses in EU elections

French President Emmanuel Macron will be taught “some humility” if he suffers losses at the European Parliament elections, Jordan Bardella, spokesman for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally has said.

Mr Bardella, who previously served as president of the Front National,hit out at Mr Macron’s social policies which has see rioting from yellow vest protestors throughout 2019.

He told French newspaper Le Parisien: “If he loses, it will teach him some humility. Then he will have to give up the anti-social reforms he is about to implement.”

Mr Bardella also stated it would be a “failure” for the people of France if Mr Macron came out on top in the EU vote.

He added: “If Macron comes first, he will feel legitimate and think he has full powers.”

european election

European Election: Marine Le Pen is ahead in the final opinion poll (Image: REUTERS)

1.20pm update: Le Pen leads President Macron in final poll before EU vote

Marine Le Pen's far-right party is set to gain the most votes ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament election.

Ms Le Pen’s National Rally remained in the lead on 24.5 percent whilst Mr Macron’s centralist La Republique En Marche party trailed on 24 percent in the last opinion poll before France goes to the polls tomorrow.

The two leading movements were followed by Europe Ecologie-Les Verts on nine percent , France Insoumise on seven-and-a-half percent and the PS-Place Publique on five-and-a-half percent.

Meanwhile turnout is expected to be between 43 and 47 percent.

The Ipsos/Sopra Steria internet poll for French TV and Radio asked 3,355 potential voters between Wednesday, May 22 and Thursday, May 23.

European Election

European Election: Hundreds of boxes are sealed ahead of the count on Sunday (Image: Twitter/UttlesfordDC)

12.50pm update: Verhofstadt’s desperate plea to voters to reject eurosceptic groups

Guy Verhofstadt has delivered a desperate call for voters to continue to back the EU project and reject challenges from Eurosceptic parties in the European Parliament elections.

The European Union Brexit Coordinator has called on Europe to unite as a “European family” as the bloc conclude the EU elections this weekend.

Mr Verhofstadt wrote on Twitter: “For the last 70 years, Europeans have been defining their future together: we are a European family! Let’s make sure nobody takes this away from us! #RenewEurope #EUelections2019.”

European Election

European Election: Ballot boxes are under close guard in South Cambridgeshire (Image: Twitter/6minsinmay)

12.20pm update: Millions of ballot papers sealed as anticipation for EU election result grows

Millions of ballot papers in hundreds of sealed boxes around the UK have been pictured from the European Parliament elections.

However the much anticipated count will not begin until all 28 European member states have case their votes at the polling station.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is forecast to surge to victory after the Government failed to deliver Britain’s exit from the European Union.

In the last YouGov poll for The Times the Brexit Party was predicted to win 37 percent of the vote.

A result is not expected until 10pm on Sunday.

The survey asked 3,864 British adults from May 19-21

Matteo Salvini

European Election: Matteo Salvini has confirmed talks with Nigel Farage (Image: EPA)

11.45am update: Salvini confirms talks with Nigel Farage to create “revolution”

Matteo Salvini has confirmed talks have already taken place with Nigel Farage to create a “revolution” across Europe.

Deputy Prime Minister of Italy is confident of forming an alliance with the Brexit Party leader in the European Parliament.

In an interview with La Stampa, Mr Salvini said: “We are already talking to Nigel Farage. We can really make the revolution possible in Europe.”

Guy Verhofstadt

European Election: Guy Verhofstadt calls for an investigation after voters turned away (Image: REUTERS)

11.15am update: Verhofstadt calls for investigation after citizens denied vote in EU election

Guy Verhofstadt has called for an investigation into how thousands of EU nationals and British expats were denied to vote in the European Parliament election.

Thousands complained on social media under the hashtag ‘Deniedmyvote’, citing apparent administrative errors by local councils.

European Parliament Brexit coordinator said: "Worrying reports of EU citizens in UK being denied the right to vote & told to vote 'at home'. The scale of this apparent problem needs to be investigated."

The Electoral Commission said they "understand the frustration" the situation has caused and attributed the problem to the "very short notice" on the UK's participation in the European elections.

EU citizens must transfer their vote from their member state to the UK in a process which must be done 12 working days in advance of the poll.

It said in a statement: "The very short notice from the Government of the UK's participation in these elections impacted on the time available for awareness of this process amongst citizens, and for citizens to complete the process.”

EU elections: British expat reveals ballot paper arrived LATE

10.40am update: Labour poised for worst election day in 35 YEARS

The Labour Party is set for its worst election result in decades, according to one of its own MPs.

Ben Bradshaw has slammed Labour’s European election campaign as “the most dispiriting” for 35 years.

The MP for Exeter since 1997, hit out at Jeremy Corbyn’s lack of clarity on Brexit which he claims has driven away support for Labour.

Mr Bradshaw wrote on Twitter: “That was the most dispiriting Election Day in 35 years a Labour member. Our voters are flocking to the Greens & Lib Dems because of their clear & unequivocal support for a #FinalSay #peoplesvote & Remain.

“So sad & so avoidable. #BrexitShambles #EUelections2019.”

READ MORE: European elections: Corbyn’s DISASTER as Labour poised for worse election day in 35 YEARS

10.20am update: Green Party set for surge in Ireland

The Green Party is set to claim victory in Dublin according to the latest exit poll by Irish broadcaster RTE.

The Party’s former junior minister Ciaran Cuffe is forecast to win 23 percent of the vote. 

The poll also indicates that a candidate from Ireland's largest party, Fine Gael's Sean Kelly, could be re-elected, with the survey of voters in the South constituency putting him on 16 percent.

Fine Gael's Mairead McGuinness looks likely to top the poll in the Midlands/North West constituency.

The polling firm RedC spoke to 3,230 voters in stations across Ireland.

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