END BREXIT MADNESS! May told to STOP Brexit talks with Corbyn RIGHT NOW – poll results

EXPRESS.CO.UK readers have called for Theresa May to abandon talks with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as they are a waste of time, an exclusive poll of just over 15,000 people has revealed.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Brexit news

Brexit news: Theresa May should end talks with Labour say Express.co.uk readers (Image: GETTY/ REUTERS)

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Theresa May is preparing to launch a new vote on her withdrawal deal as she continues talks with Jeremy Corbyn. But Express.co.uk readers believe she should walk away from negotiations with Labour as they are a waste of time. The results of yesterday’s poll showed that a staggering 97 percent of voters believe Mrs May should end talks with Mr Corbyn immediately. This means just three percent believed the Prime Minister should continue to discuss her withdrawal deal with the Labour leader.

In total 14,473 which equalled 93percent voted for Theresa May to end talks with Labour.

The remaining three percent - 435 people - voted to continue to discuss her Brexit deal with Mr Corbyn.

And just 93 people voted to say they didn’t know what the Prime Minister should do - less than one percent of voters.

Readers were keen to share their comments as they voted in the poll, one wrote: “Should May quit talks with Labour? Seeing as she should never have begun, HELL YES!”

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Brexit News

Brexit News: Express.co.uk voters think Mrs May should stop talks with Labour (Image: GETTY)

Another called for the UK to exit the EU with no deal saying: “It was all a waste of time, the indicative votes and cross-party talks when the Prime Minister knows we want to leave the EU with ‘no deal’ on WTO terms.

“All delays to keep us tied to the EU and receive extensions until we give up. We won’t.”

A third called for Theresa May to resign saying: “May should just quit period.”

This sentiment was echoed during Prime Minister’s Questions, as Mrs May was challenged by Tory Eurosceptic Peter Bone, who said activists in his constituency favoured a no deal Brexit and wanted her to quit before the May 23 European elections.

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Brexit News

Brexit News: The poll results overwhelmingly showed Mrs May should end talks (Image: GETTY)

Former Brexit minister Steve Baker also questioned the Prime Minister’s decision to bring the legislation for her “failed deal” before Parliament and suggested it would do little to counter the threat posed by Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party.

He said: “If the Brexit Party were demanding we pass this withdrawal agreement, a vote might just make sense. But they aren’t. Quite the reverse.

“And driving it through over the heads of the DUP appears to eradicate the Government’s majority.”

DUP Westminster leader Nigel Dodds said: “Unless she can demonstrate something new that addresses the problem of the backstop then it is highly likely her deal will go down to defeat once again.”

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Brexit News

Brexit News: There were 15,001 people who took part in the poll (Image: GETTY)

Brexit News

Brexit News: Some believe talks with Mr Corbyn are fruitless (Image: GETTY)

And Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay has acknowledged it would be the end of the road for the deal thrashed out with the European Union if the Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) is defeated when it is brought to the Commons in June.

The legislation writes the Brexit agreement into law and represents a fresh attempt to secure Parliament’s support for a deal which has already been rejected three times by MPs, including the heaviest defeat ever suffered by a Government.

Mr Barclay said the WAB would be published as soon as possible and would have its second reading in the Commons, the first legislative hurdle it would have to clear, in the week beginning June 3.

He told the Lords EU Committee: “I think if the House of Commons does not approve the WAB then the (Michel) Barnier deal is dead in that form.”

15,001 people voted in Express.co.uk’s poll on May 15, they were asked: “Should Theresa May quit Brexit talks with Labour now?”

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