Brexiteers are left with TWO CHOICES: Rees-Mogg warns May's deal is BETTER than NO BREXIT

BREXITEERS are left with only two choices, Theresa May’s flawed deal or no Brexit at all, Jacob Rees-Mogg warned as he signalled he is ready to back the Prime Minister’s withdrawal agreement.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: Theresa May's deal is DEAD says Jeremy Corbyn

The choices Eurosceptics have on the table shifted from a no deal Brexit to Mrs May’s deal after Parliament’s expressed its opposition to the UK leaving the without a deal and the EU27 gave London a short extension to Article 50, Mr Rees-Mogg said. The influential backbencher, who has rejected Mrs May’s deal in the past two votes in Parliament, spoke of a “hierarchy of choice” faced by Brexiteers. Amid multiple “threats” to , including MPs trying to frustrate the result of the referendum and long delays, Eurosceptics should reluctantly back the Prime Minister at the third meaningful vote to make sure Britain does leave the EU, he added. 

I’ve always thought that no deal is better than Mrs May’s deal but Mrs May’s deal is better than not leaving at all

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Speaking on his latest ConservativeHome podcast, he said: “Her deal is in no way a good deal, the backstop is particularly problematic and there are other problems within it.

“But there are other threats of long delays and many people in Parliament who want to frustrate the result of the EU Referendum.

“A long delay could translate into a further delay, the people who never wanted us to leave in the first place see delays as a route to prevent our departure.

“I’ve always thought that no deal is better than Mrs ’s deal but Mrs May’s deal is better than not leaving at all. 


brexit latest news jacob rees mogg no deal brexit parliament vote

Brexiteers can only choose between Theresa May's deal and no Brexit at all, said Jacob Rees-Mogg (Image: UK PARLIAMENT/GETTY)

“There is a sort of hierarchy of choice, and if the choice is this, leaving the EU, even leaving it inadequately and having work to do afterwards is better than not leaving at all.”

Mr , chairman of the Tory Eurosceptic European Research Group (ERG), argued legally leaving the EU rather than keep on pushing back the exit date while waiting for the perfect deal still represents a victory for Eurosceptics.

He said: “Perhaps Brexit is a process rather than an event.”

This “process” would see the UK gradually detaching from the EU’s institutions rather than immediately divorcing from Brussels.

Mr Rees-Mogg continued: “Many felt that on March 29 we would have left, that’s it, bingo, done.  

brexit latest news jacob rees mogg no deal brexit parliament vote

MPs had previously ruled out a no deal Brexit (Image: EPA)

brexit latest news jacob rees mogg no deal brexit parliament vote

Jacob Rees-Mogg had rejected Theresa May's deal in the past two votes in Parliament (Image: GETTY)

“But we first joined a limited organisation with limited ambitions, as our membership continued it got more embedded in our legal and political system until we were part of effectively a superstate.”

Similarly, the UK may regain greater independence with time.

The ERG chairman’s claim the UK has lost the chance to leave without a deal comes after last week’s EU summit.

During the EU28 gathering, Mrs May was granted a short extension to Article 50, lasting until May 22, if her deal is approved by Parliament by March 29.

Otherwise, she will have until April 22 to decide whether to ask for a longer extension or put forward a new proposal. 

brexit latest news jacob rees mogg no deal brexit parliament vote

A banner placed outside Parliament by pro-EU campaigners (Image: EPA)

Mr Rees-Mogg said: “Downing Street has lost the opportunity to leave without a deal, and I think that was a mistake.

“That was all set and it has now been pushed in the long grass.

“The legal position was leaving, it was what people voted for, it was what the Government was pretty clear would happen, the Prime Minister said it more than 100 times, ‘we would leave on March 29’.

“There is a feeling that political trust is not what it ought to be, if the Prime Minister says something that it gets changed, not to a date she had asked for but one of the EU has insisted upon, then the system is not operating properly.”   

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