Tory MP explains WHY Corbyn made a ‘TITANIC MISTAKE’ calling no confidence vote

TORY MP Michael Fabricant claimed Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has made a “titanic mistake” in rushing to call a no confidence vote minutes after Theresa May’s humiliating Brexit defeat.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: Corbyn calls for vote of no confidence in government

Mr Corbyn’s impatience could cost him the chance to get into No10, said the Conservative MP for Lichfield. The Brexit-backing argued the Labour leader may have had better chances to win if he had waited until next week, when Mrs May will have to state what she plans to do with after her Withdrawal Agreement had been crushed by MPs. A no confidence motion voted today will unlikely be backed by both the DUP and all the Tory MPs who rebelled yesterday on Brexit because they may still want to give the Government a chance, Mr Fabricant said.

He wrote on Twitter: “I may be proved wrong, but I believe # has made a titanic mistake in calling the vote of no confidence tomorrow.

“If he had left it after Monday when the PM has to state her future plans, he might have won.

“I’d be surprised if he’ll win tomorrow. We want to pull together now.”


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Jeremy Corbyn has made a 'titanic mistake', said Michael Fabricant (Image: PA/GETTY)

Yesterday’s vote in the Commons saw the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal being overwhelmingly rejected by 432 votes to 202, with 118 Conservative MPs among those voting it down.

Mr Corbyn disappointed supporters of a second Brexit referendum by declaring he wants Britain to have a new general election - in the hope to seize power and start anew Brexit talks with the EU.

Yesterday the Labour leader said he tabled the no confidence vote because the “catastrophic” defeat cashed in by Mrs May represented an “absolutely decisive” verdict on her flagship policy.

However, Mr Fabricant’s prediction may be right, as DUP Westminster leader Nigel Dodds said yesterday his 10 MPs will back Mrs May. 

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Theresa May suffered a humiliating defeat yesterday (Image: EPA)

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Michael Fabricant claimed Jeremy Corbyn was too impatient in calling the vote of no confidence (Image: TWITTER/MICHAEL FABRICANT)

He told BBC2’s Newsnight: "We will be supporting the Government in the no confidence motion.

"What it really shows is when it comes to the crunch and the Government's survival is on the line the DUP will be able to keep the Government in power."

Even some Labour MPs don’t seem to believe Mr Corbyn will win the no confidence motion.

Shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner told the BBC: ".

“We will hope that we can." 

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Jeremy Corbyn called a no confidence vote after MPs' vote on the Brexit deal (Image: GETTY)

The vote of no confidence will take place today at 7pm.

Mr Fabricant joked in another tweet about what the Tory party’s whip will be for tonight.

He said: “I will be giving away no secrets, if I show you the whip for the day.

“If it could be a four line whip, it would be.

“The vote will be at 7pm.”   

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