Whale CRISIS: Mystery as no baby northern right whales seen this winter

A WHALE hunted to the brink of extinction a hundred years ago is facing a fresh crisis - researchers cannot find any of its calves. Scientists are warning there has not been a single baby northern right whale seen this winter despite it being the height of the calving season.

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The worrying news for the future of the endangered right whale emerged as conservationists began legal action over another threat driving it towards oblivion: entanglement in fishing gear.

Last summer was catastrophic for right whales off North America's Atlantic coast with 17 of the ocean giants being killed, a figure that represents nearly four per cent of its entire population.

As few as 450 right whales still exist in the North Atlantic.

They were hunted in vast numbers and, ironically, got their name from early whalers who said they were "the right whale to hunt" because they stayed afloat long after being killed to be stripped of their blubber.

Nature is feared to be their latest enemy.

Scientists keeping watch for calves in their traditional nursery grounds off the Atlantic coasts of Georgia and Florida say there have been no sightings of newborn whales despite it being almost two months into the short calving period.

Allison Garrett of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration told US media: "This is the longest we've gone into the calving season without seeing a right whale since systematic surveys began in the early 1990s."

What worries conservationists is that for the past six winters female right whales - who give birth around every three years - have been producing below average numbers of new calves.

Last year only five calves were born, the lowest figure since 2000, and way below the traditional 30-year average of 17 calves.

whale CBC

Scientists have picked through the decaying bodies of North Atlantic right whales.

Hopes remain that the zero count is due to poor weather making survey work difficult, but monitors admit they are increasingly pessimistic about this year's breeding season.

As right whale productivity comes under scrutiny so are the measures being taken to safeguard the remaining animals on their summering grounds further north.

Conservation and animal welfare groups are suing the United States National Marine Fisheries Service for failing to prevent the whales becoming ensnared in lobster trap lines and commercial fishing gear. The lawsuit was filed in a Washington DC federal court.

Kristen Monsell, a senior attorney at the Centre for Biological Diversity, said: "Right whales could disappear forever if they keep getting tangled up and killed in fishing gear.

"The Trump administration has a legal and moral responsibility to prevent these amazing animals from suffering more deadly, painful entanglements. Federal officials have to act now, before it's too late."


A whale found floating in the mouth of Canada's Gulf of St Lawrence

Campaigners say whales tangled in fishing fear either drown immediately or over an extended period from their injuries, infections or starvation. Between 2010 and 2016 entanglements were responsible for 85 per of the right whale deaths that could be determined.

Getting trapped also saps the whales' strength and decreases reproductive success, they warn.

Jane Davenport, senior attorney at Defenders of Wildlife, added: "The law is clear: the federal government must act, and act immediately, to save the right whale from extinction.

"We don't need more scientific research. We already know that fishing gear kills and injures whales at an unsustainable rate.

"It's time to implement effective and innovative solutions to end this deadly problem."


A whale found floating in the mouth of Canada's Gulf of St Lawrence.

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