Urban inner London borough announces bizarre FOX CULL - sparking outrage

FOXES are to be culled by a London council in the first move of its kind for 30 years.

A fox in the cityGETTY

Hackney councillors have announced a fox cull

Animal rights campaigners have reacted with horror and hundreds have signed a petition, accusing Hackney council of being "inhumane'" and cruel.

The RSPCA has also weighed in, worried that it will set a precedent and other councils across Britain will follow suit.

The urban fox population has exploded in recent years thanks to mountains of junk food scraps on street corners and back alleys.

Urban foxGETTY

Animal rights campaigners have accused Hackney council of cruelty

Hackney councillors say they have had enough and announced plans this week to "humanely trap" and destroy the foxes in Clissold Park, Stoke Newington, next week due to "health concerns".

Within hours of the news breaking, 500 people had signed a petition and the number is growing by the minute.

The council says the foxes pose a "severe health risk" to the deer in the park, and are a public health hazard for people visiting Clissold House.

But experts argue any cull would have a limited effect, as other foxed would simply move in and take the place of those killed within a matter of days.

Clissold ParkGETTY

Clissold Park, Stoke Newington

The RSPCA "strongly urged" Hackney to reconsider its plans, describing the cull as "unnecessary" and will not reduce the area's surban fox population in the long run.

They urged the council to use "more humane, non-lethal deterrent methods" to discourage the animals.

Petition organisers wrote: "We urge the council to reconsider this decision as there is no evidence foxes pose a risk to the health of either deer or humans.

"If the council are concerned about the number of foxes in the area, it is imperative they use more a humane, non-lethal deterrent methods to discourage these animals in the area.

"People who call for a cull forget or ignore the fact that it has been tried before and failed. The reality of a fox 'cull' is that it would achieve nothing.

Fox rumaging through binsGETTY

Hackney council claims foxes are a public health hazard

People who call for a cull forget or ignore the fact that it has been tried before and failed. The reality of a fox 'cull' is that it would achieve nothing

Petition organisers

"Prominent wildlife ecologists, including DEFRA, accept that previous attempts to reduce the numbers of a self-regulating species that annually replaces its lost numbers and may not breed at all if numbers are already optimal have failed - WILL always fail."

There are calls for a public meeting to discuss the plans and complaints of a 'lack of consultation' with local residents.

Vet Caroline Russell, clinical director of Canonbury Vets in Islington, said: "Whatever the concerns are regarding foxes, culling is just a really bad idea and is likely to make the problem worse, not better.

"If the same 'resources' remain then the void from the dead foxes is very rapidly filled with foxes coming from elsewhere.

"The upset caused by these movements, rather than the more stable population there before, means more disease and more aggression.

"It's why culling dogs for rabies doesn't work and the focus now is on vaccination and neutering. There is plenty of research to back this up."

Fox steals and tries to eat GoPro

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