How to stop your ring turning your finger green

JEWELLERY can be the perfect accessory for any outfit, but sometimes an annoying side effect of some rings can see fingers turn a rather disgusting shade of green. Here is how to stop your ring turning your finger green.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Mrs Hinch shares vinegar cleaning trick for jewellery

Buying the perfect ring can make you want to show of your hands at every opportunity, whether its holding your drink for an Instagram post, handing someone something or getting your nails done. However, sometimes rings can have an unfortunate affect on your skin, turning your finger green.

Contrary to popular belief, if a ring turns your finger green it doesn't mean your silver ring is fake.

The green tinge occurs when your skin reacts with the metal in the ring, or a specific skin cream or your sweat can trigger the discolouration.

This can happen with silver, which can oxidise after coming into contact with certain acids.

Another reason can be if your sterling silver ring has not been correctly pickled - which is where the ring is left to sit in a solution of sodium bisulphite to prevent copper oxide occurring on the surface - creating green skin.

Read More: How to clean silver rings

How to stop your ring turning finger green

How to stop your ring turning your finger green (Image: GETTY)

Jewellery cleaning hacks: Woman wearing lots of rings

Jewellery cleaning hacks: Some rings unfortunately leave a green tinge on fingers (Image: GETTY)

How to stop your ring turning your finger green

There are a couple of ways you can stop your ring from turning your finger a nasty shade of green.

Pickle it yourself

If your ring is sterling silver, you can create a pickle solution yourself to prevent it from oxidising.

Jewellery cleaning hacks: Woman wearing silver ring

Jewellery cleaning hacks: You can create a pickle solution yourself to prevent the ring from oxidising (Image: GETTY)

Sterling silver is a mix of silver and copper and can quickly turn into copper oxide if not treated properly, which as explained above turns your fingers green.

To create your own pickle solution, soak it for a two days in a half and half mix of water and ammonia and this should stop the oxidisation and green finger byproduct.

You can buy ammonia from stores like Homebase, The Range and even Amazon. 

Be careful when pouring and mixing your solution as exposure to high concentrations can cause respiratory damage as well as eye, nose and throat irritation. 

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Clear Nail Polish

One popular fix for rings which can work for both sterling silver and cheaper jewellery can be to coat it in clear nail varnish.

This won't last forever as the nail varnish may erode over time, but you can top it up every so often.

This hack can work for watches, bracelets and necklaces to protect your skin from that nasty green colour.

Jewellery cleaning hacks: Clear nail varnish

Jewellery cleaning hacks: Coat the ring in clear nail varnish (Image: GETTY)

Specialist polymer barrier

Another solution is to use a polymer barrier between your skin and the ring. 

Apply a barrier product, such as Jeweller's Skin Guard, to the ring according to the manufacturer's directions, a quick google search will bring up a wealth of options.

These special products are created to seal the metal and protect your skin from staining.

A single application of these products lasts for around two months and your can reapply as needed, dependent on how often you wear your jewellery.

Avoid creams

If you tend to wear hand cream or apply suncream or hand sanitiser to your hands try and avoid your ring when you do so.

Also avoid wearing the ring in the shower or at the swimming pool, as your toiletries and chlorine from the pool can increase the green-tinging effects.

Ultimately, the one way you can ensure a ring will not turn your finger green is to chose jewellery made of stainless steel, platinum and rhodium-plated.

All of these includes almost entirely white gold, which can be pricey but will not turn your finger a sickly green colour.

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