Houseplants: 5 things you should do to avoid ‘irreversible’ damage to plants this summer

HOUSEPLANTS can quickly deteriorate without the right care - especially during the summer months when the days are warmer and longer. Adjusting the environment in your home is the easiest way to keep plants thriving during this time, but what exactly should you be doing?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Houseplants: RHS advises on watering techniques

Unlike displays, indoor plants are sheltered from the elements, making them less susceptible to weather damage. While they may be more well protected from extreme cold, heat and rainfall, many varieties are still sensitive to the changing climate and therefore require seasonal care to keep them thriving. spoke to Tom Hilton, director at National Greenhouse, to find out exactly what you can do to prevent your from deteriorating this summer.

How to care for houseplants in summer

Whether it’s the peak of summer or an unexpected heatwave, changing the way you care for your houseplants during warm spells is essential to stop them from becoming damaged.

While some species such as cactus are drought and heat tolerant, it is important to adjust their growing conditions as the weather becomes more extreme.

Watering is the most obvious variable to change during the summer months, but what else should you focus on?

READ MORE: When to water houseplants in spring and summer - exact time to do it

Houseplants/ watering houseplants

Houseplants: 5 things you should do to avoid ‘irreversible’ damage to plants this summer (Image: GETTY)


Houseplants: 5 things you should do to avoid ‘irreversible’ damage to plants this summer (Image: GETTY)

Adjust the position of your plants

Houseplants may seem well protected from the sun while indoors, but the strong UV rays are often more powerful than you may think.

Leaving your plants in direct sunlight could lead to long-lasting, irreversible damage if you don’t spot signs soon enough.

Speaking to, Tom Hilton, director at National Greenhouse said: “As much as your plants love sunlight, you should always keep an eye out for sunburn - which could turn the leaves an unsightly brown, yellow or white.

“This damage is irreversible, so you should always try to limit the time that your houseplants spend basking in the sun.”

Houseplants on shelf

Houseplants: 5 things you should do to avoid ‘irreversible’ damage to plants this summer (Image: GETTY)

While it is important to move houseplants out of the sun, they still need some access to natural light in order to continue growing.

To combat this problem, Tom suggested that plants are positioned in a shaded spot during hours of peak sunlight, positioning them back into the light only during cooler periods.

He added: “When you do bring your houseplants back into the sun, avoid watering the leaves directly.

“This will also prevent them from scorching, as water droplets magnify the sun’s rays.”

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Indoor plant care guide infographic

Houseplants: 5 things you should do to avoid ‘irreversible’ damage to plants this summer (Image: THE EXPRESS)

Use fans carefully

Fans may seem like a form of instant relief from the heat, but they can have quite the opposite effect on your indoor plants.

Tom explained: “The strong air they produce can dehydrate and dry out the soil, occasionally causing delicate flowers to become damaged too.

Although it should be safe to place your plants in the same room as a fan, you should always avoid positioning them in close proximity to one another.

If you’re looking to keep both you and your plants cool during the day, Tom recommended keeping windows shut, and only opening them at night when the temperature begins to cool down.

Misting houseplants with water

Houseplants: 5 things you should do to avoid ‘irreversible’ damage to plants this summer (Image: GETTY)

Change your watering schedule

Plant soil is more likely to dry out quicker during higher temperatures, so it is important to consider adjusting your watering schedule to compensate for lost water.

The easiest way to keep different types of plants consistently watered is by poking your finger roughly two to three inches into the soil.

Tom said: “If it feels damp, leave it be. As important as it is to keep your plants watered, you shouldn't leave them to sit in water.

“This can lead to root rot, with the wet conditions creating the perfect environment for flies to lay their eggs on the leaves.”

On the flip side, if the plant’s soil does feel dry, it’s encouraged that you give them water either in the morning or evening, rather than midday.

This is recommended because the water is less likely to evaporate in cooler periods and is, therefore, able to absorb plenty of nutrients.

Keep the humidity high

Tropical plants will love the higher temperatures, but it is also crucial to remember to increase the humidity in your home too.

According to the experts at the self-watering planter company, Lechuza, a spray bottle will be just fine to mist your humidity-loving plants, and will “ensure they truly thrive.”

Fertilise after, not during a heatwave

If the weather outside is scorching, it is best to avoid fertilising your plants.

The team at Lechuza said: “The plants will be in survival mode and fertilisation can be too much for them to handle.”

It is best to do this on a cooler day in summer or to wait for a short heatwave to pass before feeding your plants.

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