Michael Morpungo: Five things I can’t live without

WAR HOUSE author Michael Morpurgo, 73, lives in Devon with wife Clare. They have three children and have just become great-grandparents.

Michael Morpurgo war horse authorALAMY STOCK

Michael Morpurgo is the author of War Horse

1 - Walking 

Last year I had one of my hips replaced and I cannot tell you the difference it has made to my life. Before the operation it had become rather painful to move, which was frustrating as I have always been a keen walker.

Now I am back to walking two or three miles every day and my mobility is something I will never take for granted again. We live very close to the River Torridge and I love nothing more than ambling by the water, idly watching the kingfishers and herons and soaking up the sounds of nature. 

2 - Horse picture

When we first moved to our village around 40 years ago there was a lovely old antiques dealer living there called Wilf Ellis who had served in the First World War.

He was in the cavalry and he used to tell me all sorts of wonderful stories about the adventures he’d had with his trusted steed. One day a picture of a beautiful black racehorse came into his shop and, knowing that I would love it, Wilf reserved it for me.

It has hung in our kitchen ever since and although it doesn’t have a huge monetary value, to me it is priceless. It was that picture and my conversations with Wilf that inspired me to write War Horse, which was later turned into a play and an award-winning film by Steven Spielberg.

My horse picture means so much to me and not just because of the success it inspired. It really is one of the few possessions I have that I would be heartbroken to lose. 

Tom Daley and Michael MorpurgoGETTY

The author with Olympic diver Tom Daley

3 - Classical music 

As a boy I was a chorister at The King’s School in Canterbury and I have always adored singing, although sadly I am not much of a musician.

Music still means an awful lot to me and I absolutely love Mozart, Beethoven and Handel as all three composers can transport me to a completely different time and place.

War Horse film 2011PH

The novel has been adapted into a film in 2011

War Horse stage showNIGEL NORRINGTON

In addition to a film adaptation is has also adapted into a succesfull stage show

4 - Bryher 

My wife Clare has been holidaying on the Scilly isle of Bryher since she was two and her love affair with the island is something that I now share too. We stay there every year and never tire of it. Bryher is the smallest of Scilly’s inhabited islands and is only one and a half miles long and half a mile wide.

However, despite its tiny size it is a place of exquisite beauty, with breathtaking coastline flanked by cliffs backing out on to the wilds of the Atlantic on one side and soft, sheltered sand on the other.

With only 80 people living on the island, it is an unusually peaceful and unhurried haven and Clare and I can quite happily while away an entire afternoon sitting on the picturesque Rushy Bay beach, mesmerised by the sea. 

5 - Birthdays 

Earlier this month I celebrated my 73rd birthday and I am glad to say that even at my age, the excitement of having a birthday hasn’t remotely diminished.

I love everything about the day, from the clatter on the doormat as the cards arrive to the wonderful feeling of being surrounded by loved ones. This year we shared a wonderful homecooked meal with some very special friends and I couldn’t have been happier.

With each year that passes I feel more and more fortunate to still be here and to still be loving life. As you get older, you begin to realise what an incredible privilege that actually is. l On October 27 Michael Morpurgo will read his poignant novel War Horse at The Royal Albert Hall with co-narrator Joanna Lumley.

They will be accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra and British designer Rae Smith, who will create animated illustrations of Morpurgo’s book. Visit royalalberthall.com for more information.

War Horse Sad Scene

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