Is this the wittiest delivery driver ever? Couple's package left ‘HIDDEN under door mat’

A HUSBAND and wife were left stunned when they came home to find heir parcel delivery ‘hidden under the door mat’ - despite it being half a metre tall.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

DeliveryMercury Press

Is this the best place for a delivery driver to leave a parcel?

Bryan and Louise McKinnie, 43, had nipped out for a few hours on Monday evening when the delivery of new parts for Bryden’s beehives were delivered. 

Finding the sight hilarious, Bryden, 49, delayed dinner to take pictures of the unusual sight and share them with friends.

Bryden, from East Lothian, Scotland, said: “Ny wife noticed it at first because I was too busy day dreaming. I have no idea how I didn’t spot it right away.

“I’m not sure if the driver was making a genuine attempt to hide it but this wasn’t such a good job if he was. 

DeliveryMercury Press

It wasn't clear whether the delivery driver was joking around or not

“The delivery driver was probably being cheeky and thought we might appreciate the joke. It certainly made us laugh a lot. 

“I’m 6ft 3in and this parcel came past my knee, so it really is huge. You would more than trip up over it. 

“Usually they leave a note but I suppose what would they write here? ‘Left hidden under the doormat’?”

Bryden and Louise, who work as a children’s entertainer dup known as Might Mac and Louise, keep bee hives and routinely have parts delivered every few weeks during the summer. 

The large containers for collecting bees had been ordered from beekeeping suppliers Thorne, who use a courier service for the delivery. 

Delivery GETTY

Would you find this funny or be angry?

Bryden found the delivery so funny that he sent the images straight on to Thorne, hoping they too would see the funny side. 

Bryden said: “Bizarrely, it’s bit the first ten this has happened to us. A number of months ago I got a delivery of a parcel that was put under the matt int he same way. 

“That one even had a note! But it was only four inches thick so it wasn’t quite as ridiculous as this. 

“We live in quite a safe area thankfully so the parcel was OK. However, usually delivery drovers would lead it with neighbours when we are not in. Maybe they chose not to since it was so big. 

“It wouldn’t have surprised me if he had left a note this time saying where it was, but he must have felt this one was obvious. 


Unless it's very small or flat, is anything safe left hidden under the door mat?

“It was 8pm by the time we to home and we had picked up our dinner on the ay back and Louise kept saying ‘will you come in for your tea!’ But I said we had to wait as I was so eager to get pictures of it and share it with friends.” 

Friends immediately quipped that it could be the ‘wittiest delivery driver ever’. 

Rebecca Coleman, director at Thorne, explained they use an extern courier service for the delivery of items. 

She said: “customers sometimes ask for parcels to be left in all sorts of places - yesterday we were asked to leave a parcel behind the fossil. 

“However this is not as funny as when the carrier told us they couldn’t eave the parcel at the requested prison delivery address because there was no one in.”

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