Swap sloppy smooches for X-rated kisses: Spice up your Valentine's Day with THESE top tips

MOST Brits don't do anything special for Valentine's Day but these tips could spice up your weekend.

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Spice up your Valentine's Day with these tips from Alix Fox

Valentine’s Day has become monotonous for many Brits, with a survey revealing 64 per cent of us don’t look forward to February 14 as it’s ‘too commercial’. 

Only a fifth of Brits will buy their partner flowers and just a quarter will go out for a meal. 

But what if you want to spice up your weekend? And how does one go about that? 

Durex sex and relationship expert Alix Fox has come up with a list of brilliant top tips to get your relationship sparking again. 

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Alix recommends swapping the boring standard card for sexy post-it notes

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Who doesn't want to spice up their weekend?

Swap: Soppy, sloppy kisses
For: X-rated XXXs

Instead of scribbling a few ‘xxx’ kisses at the bottom of a love note, use the symbol X to mark all the spots in your house that you want your partner to passionately kiss or make love to you, then get them to track each ‘X’ down as part of an explicit treasure hunt.

Swap: Takeaway for two
For: Mystery midnight feast

Take intimacy with your partner to the next level by having a mysterious and romantic rendezvous date. Even though you already know your partner intimately, make the arrangements and leave a seductive note somewhere for them to find. The more mystery, the better! 

Swap: Lacklustre love letters
For: Art to light up your heart

A romantic letter spelling out exactly what your loved one means to you is always well received, but plenty of us are better with pictures than we are with words. 

Try presenting your partner with a nicely wrapped box of art supplies and suggesting that you draw each other. Take turns posing as each other’s life models, either wearing robes left to fall open, underwear or completely nude. 

Happy Valentine's Day, love Mills & Boon

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