'Life gets calmer': Cardinal sign to find a slice of peace this January, claims astrologer

One cardinal sign will find solace in January 2024, but it won't come right away, according to celebrity psychic and astrologer, Inbaal Honigman.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Inbaal said: “The first month of 2024 is a welcome slice of peace for many, especially those born under the sign of Capricorn" (Image: GETTY)

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.ukInbaal said: “The first month of 2024 is a welcome slice of peace for many, especially those born under the sign of Capricorn.

“At the start of the month we have two planets in retrograde, dancing their little twirl of chaos, but at the end of the month, there are none, so life gets calmer.

“At the start of January we have Pluto, planet of transformation in stable Capricorn, shaking things up, but at the end of the month it is no longer in Capricorn, so it can't distress anyone's stability.

“However, at the end of the month we see three exciting planets in Capricorn - they are chatty Mercury, flirty Venus and cheeky Mars, and they round off the month with a lot of excitement.

“The first day of the year is still in Mercury retrograde, which can stress those born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo.”

Capricorn zodiac

January is Capricorn season (Image: GETTY)

Capricorn - December 22 to January 19

‌January marks Capricorn season and this year, it's a busy start to the month for those born under the sign. Inbaal claimed that it's a "mixed up month with many influences" from communicative Mercury, romantic Venus and passionate Mars - not to mention the planet of rebirth, Pluto. She said: "None of them rest in your sign for the entire month, so there's a feeling of non-stop confusion for you, during the entire Capricorn season.

"By the middle of next month, all those planets depart Capricorn, so give it your best shot and take advantage of your very busy January by grabbing any opportunity that comes your way."

Aquarius - January 20 to February 18

‌The astrologer claimed: "Being a social activist, a humanitarian, a caring person is central to who you are. Changing the world is your goal - if only everyone was a bit more like you. But even you, don't get to be quite like you all the time. This is just about to change, with Pluto, planet of rebirth.

"Last year, Pluto visited your sign for a while but didn't stay. It's coming back again, starting January 21, and you'll be hearing the call of the activism again. You'll stand up for those oppressed, marginalised and disempowered. Others will be standing with you, which will feel amazing."

Pisces - February 19 to March 20

Inbaal continued: "You don't mind routine, Pisces, but it's not because you like being bored. Your creative gifts and your dreamy nature don't need much to stimulate them, and you come up with the most magical inventions and ideas, unprompted. For a few months, the same planets have been impacting you continuously, and there's a certain comforting routine in that.

"Serious Saturn is in your sign all month, meaning you'll be acting grown-up, saving for your future and having mature conversations with others. You also host Neptune, your ruling planet, in Pisces, so you'll be true to yourself and will naturally prioritise your artistic and romantic urges."

Aries - March 21 to April 19

As a fire sign, Aries are known for their fiery and enthusiastic nature, which is motivated by their ruling planet Mars. According to Inbaal, this makes it hard to let go of the business and enjoyment that come with the festivities. She explained: "All those parties and events were so much fun! So for the first four days of the year, you're still in that celebratory mood, as Mars is in the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius.

"As the planet moves to the focused and ambitious sign of Capricorn, you notice that the same fiery nature that made you party till you dropped, is the same fiery nature that will make you stick to your goals no matter what, so for the rest of the month you're on the ball in terms of fitness, business and even studies."

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The first month of 2024 will be turbulent for some star signs (Image: GETTY)

Taurus - April 20 to May 20

‌The psychic said: "During the festive season when there's an expectation to be out and getting loud and messy, you can't bear to go with the crowds and be predictable. However, January hits and you suddenly discover your inner rebel.

"Your ruling planet, elegant Venus, is in free-spirited Sagittarius from January 1 to 22, which inspires you to go crazy, try drinks you wouldn't normally mix, and book an untamed holiday that requires travel vaccinations. For the rest of the month, Venus moves into serious Capricorn, so your trip on the wild side is short-lived."

Gemini - May 21 to June 21

Inbaal continued: "You love a good party, Gemini, and you love keeping sociable, so the festive season is very much your time of year. Getting back to normal and setting goals for the year ahead, is more challenging for a fun-loving sign as yourself. The very first day of the year is the final day of the Mercury retrograde, and Mercury is your ruling planet, so you start the year on the wrong foot, and communication matters could go awry.

"Following on, from day two of the year onwards, things recover and you can trust your intuition. After January 14, you'll find that you calm down a lot as Mercury enters mature Capricorn and helps you find your focus."

Cancer - June 22 to July 22

‌According to the astrologer, the cycle of the moon's waxing and waning is the celestial map of the Cancer zodiac's peaks and troughs. She explained: "This January, the new moon on Thursday 11 delivers the focused and ambitious energies of Capricorn, and you'll be moved to set goals and targets around finances and achievements.

"The full moon on the 25th is in the powerful sign of Leo, and you'll be seeking the limelight, asking for praise for your hard work. This makes January a very success-oriented month for you, and you kickstart the year with some bright business ideas."

Leo - July 23 to August 22

‌Inbaal added: "The full moon in Leo comes but once a year, and on January 25 it is here. This is a great time for you to turn your heart towards the heavens and ask for everything you ever wanted. It's a time for goal setting and manifesting. Yes, you've got your New Year's resolutions, but those don't last.

"Your Leo full moon, which always occurs during your opposite sign, the sign of Aquarius, is a great chance to take another look at those resolutions. What do you really want? And more importantly, why?"

Virgo - August 23 to September 22

Unlike other star signs, Virgo will have a bumpy start to the new year. The astrologer claimed: "Your ruling planet Mercury, is in charge of communication, travel and commerce. Normally when you need to book a trip or schedule an online shop, it goes smoothly.

"As Mercury is in retrograde on January 1, those things suddenly become onerous and unsuccessful. One day and the retrograde is over. The 2nd of January is different, and you're back to your best. Mercury in fun-loving Sagittarius until the 13th means that trips are booked easily and the shops never run out of what you need."

Libra - September 23 to October 23

‌Inbaal opined: "Calm and graceful, you love a chance at new beginnings, Libra. New week, new month, new year, and especially if they happen all at once. Your ruling planet is Venus, romantic and elegant like you, and it starts the month in the sign of Sagittarius, which is a more chaotic sign in astrology.

"This means that the beginning of January is a little upside down for you, but from the 14th onwards, when Venus moves to stable Capricorn, you find it easier to keep the peace and stay balanced and happy."

Scorpio - October 23 to November 21

‌She continued: "You're a complex sign, Scorpio, and your complex nature is demonstrated in that you have two ruling planets. You may not be the only sign that has two rulers, but yours are the most intense. Mars, the planet of passion and Pluto, the planet of transformation both have a say in your day-to-day life. Mars is your traditional ruler, and Pluto is your modern ruler. From January 14 to 20, both planets are in serious, mature, businesslike Capricorn.

"So during those dates, you can expect your finances to go well, and also your work life and your business. This is the time for job interviews, business loans and games of chance."

Sagittarius - November 22 to December 21

At the start of January, three planets are in Sagittarius. At the end of January, none remain. According to Inbaal, this tells us that the extremely active, loud and colourful start to the year will soon simmer down. She explained: "Communicative Mercury, romantic Venus and passionate Mars are those three planets, and those are the corners of your life which start the year off with a bang.

"As the planets drop off towards Capricorn one by one, you gain some calm. Mars on the 4th stops causing arguments, Mercury on January 13 makes communication clearer and finally Venus on January 22 takes the chaos out of your love life."

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