Man cancelled holiday with wife who couldn't pay after they 'agreed to split the cost'

A man decided to cancel a holiday for himself and his wife after she revealed that she no longer had the money to pay for her share. Taking to Reddit to share his dilemma, the 44-year-old was praised by other users for making the seemingly cruel decision.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Couple arguing, pot of money with coins in

Man branded 'heartless' by wife after he cancelled their holiday she couldn't afford (Image: GETTY)

The man admitted to cancelling the holiday after his wife, who earns "quite a bit less" than him, used the money she had saved to help her son. While he had paid the full bill for previous trips away, he explained that this time he was not prepared to cover the cost of his wife's share. Though some users were sympathetic to her situation, others claimed that "mum guilt" was to blame for her financial struggles.

In the post, the user u/cancelledvacation explained that he and his wife usually split joint expenses 70/30 to cater for her lower income. But when it comes to holidays, the pair often go halves on the cost and settle for budget trips that both of them can afford separately.

However, on this occasion, the 44-year-old husband revealed that he was unwilling to cover his partner's share after discovering that she had spent the funds on her son and ex-partner. Instead, he cancelled the holiday in a bid to stand his ground on his partner's "mum guilt" about financially supporting her 23-year-old son and his biological dad.

The Reddit member said: "We were supposed to go on a vacation later this month. Nothing major or fancy but just time away. We had agreed to split the cost and all that was left to pay for were the hotels, rental car, and some reservations. Her ex-husband called needing help getting his car out of impound and getting caught up on rent.

"Their son hasn't been able to get to work without the car because he doesn't want to ride a bike or take a bus. Almost five grand later they're set up but my wife told me she can't pay for her portion of our vacation, so I told her I was cancelling it."

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Lovely couple using laptop for online shopping.

The man cancelled the holiday because he refused to foot the bill for his wife's share (Image: Getty)

According to the author of the post, he had happily paid extra towards living costs and holidays from the moment they got into a relationship when the son was younger.

While he was not willing to do this past the age of 18 when the son was older and had his own income, the husband found himself in a sticky situation again with their latest holiday plans. And he blamed his wife for the trouble.

He wrote: "For the majority of our relationship, he [the son] has lived with his father. He decided against college or trade school and hasn't expressed any interest in starting to figure out a plan for the immediate future let alone his life. He floats from job to job, and his father is pretty much the same since the kid graduated.

"Herein lies the problem: every few months they'll call my wife for a few hundred dollars here, a few hundred there, 20 bucks this week, 80 the next. Sometimes it's her son calling for help, sometimes it's her ex-husband. This has caused her to be short on funds for our plans, or things she volunteered to cover on more than one occasion."

The mum, however, claimed she had no choice but to spend the money on her ex-partner and son. She explained that since her son still lives with her former husband, she has to help him.

But the Reddit user noted that while he "gets that to a point", the constant spending is irresponsible when they have plans as a couple. And when confronted with the fact that her husband had cancelled the holiday, the 45-year-old branded him a "heartless a**".

The Reddit author said: "We've been arguing over it but my stance is this: they're both able-bodied adults that keep making a series of life decisions that keep them at a standstill (like quitting jobs over little things, smoking, going out) and her always digging them out of their hole is starting to impact our lives more and more, and I didn't sign up for that.

"Am I the a*****e for cancelling our vacation instead of just footing the entire cost myself?"

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Mature couple fighting at home sitting on the sofa.

The woman called her husband 'heartless' for cancelling the trip (Image: Getty)

The post attracted a host of comments from fellow forum users, many of whom praised the husband for sticking by his wife for so many years.

One person wrote: "It would be different if your wife spent the money on her minor son (her son is a 23-year-old adult) or a medical emergency, or any kind of emergency for her, you or her son. But it wasn't. If you keep footing the bill you are subsiding her 23 y.o. son and ex-husband. I wouldn't be happy either."

Another added: "Normally, I find it strange when couples are this hung up on who pays for what, but in this case, I'm with you. Your wife isn't taking care of her son, she's enabling him.

"It's obviously going to be tough for her to turn the money faucet off, but she's going to have to if her son is ever going to learn to be an adult."

Others claimed that the parent was suffering from "mum guilt" because her son hadn't lived with her for some years, and that the man shouldn't have cancelled the holiday.

One Reddit user wrote: "I think the main problem is that she loves her son, but because he hasn't grown up yet, she has no faith in him."

Another added: "In your position, I wouldn't cancel the vacation though! Makes you seem petty. Instead, enjoy your vacation and then have a serious talk with your wife about the issue. Tell her that she has to limit the "support" she gives. Firstly the ex-husband doesn't deserve anything in my opinion.

"He is totally unrelated to you and after the breakup, your wife has no obligation to do anything for him. Your stepson I would support but only if he is in real need. Also, you need to set an upper limit. Finally talk with your wife about the consequences it will have an your relationship if she continues to mindlessly donate her money, meant for your relationship, away to grown-up men."

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