Daily horoscope for May 4: Your star sign, astrology and zodiac

AS THE MOON continues its transit of impulsive Gemini, prepare for social variety, heightened connection and creativity - but watch for Neptune-induced personal dramas.

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

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The Moon squaring with idealistic Neptune today might make for elevated personal dramas and conflicts. However, while motivated Mars sextiles innovative Uranus at 16.47pm BST, you might feel increased motivation and a stronger impetus to enact changes that could otherwise be thought of as nearly impossible. Express.co.uk reveals your , star sign reading, and forecast for May 4.

Moon in Gemini transits can be “as fickle” as the Gemini sign can be, according to Astrology TV.

Sometimes the transits can be fun and eventful, but other times the transits can be “maddeningly changeable” and superficial.

Communication is the core energy of Gemini, which explains why a Gemini Moon transit is referred to as a messenger moon.

Astrology TV said: “Whatever else goes on, communication matters during these days – what we say and also, just as importantly, how we say it.”

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Daily horoscope May 4

Daily horoscope for May 4: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: EXPRESS/GETTY)

Mars will form a sextile to Uranus in the afternoon, and the Sun and Uranus will approach alignment early tomorrow.

Cafe Astrology said: “It’s a time when we want to experiment and make things happen, and we can be very creative about it.

“Certainly, we’re more willing to experiment or try new things. We are naturally bold and assertive, ready to take a chance, and are conscious of a need to act independently or spontaneously, answering to our instincts.”

During this alignment, it’ll feel easier and more natural for you to overcome obstacles, try new methods to do things, and take progressive action.

Planets aligned in solar system

Mars will form a sextile to Uranus in the afternoon, and the Sun and Uranus will align tomorrow. (Image: GETTY)

Cafe Astrology said: “More courage, confidence, and energy are available to us. It’s also a time when we more readily support or defend others.”

However, this alignment can stir some disruption or a need for a new modus operandi to get things done. You might also feel a heightened “desire to feel free”.

Cafe Astrology said: “We seek new ways to enjoy and express ourselves, handle money and possessions, and get comfortable.

“We can be progressive and pioneering, but possibly also defiant or rebellious.

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“With Uranus, some level of detachment or decrease in sentimentality seems necessary to break free from limiting situations. We gravitate to what’s unusual or avant-garde.”

Uranus will be transiting in Taurus today, which is good energy to help activate your persona, purpose and physical incarnation.

Star Sign Style said: “It’s an exciting (and potentially erratic) energy to embrace a time to shake up appearances; notice if you’re finding it hard to settle or sit still, fuelled by what feels like an awakening of sorts.

“It could now be a time when you appear to have clarity around your purpose, but also a sense of urgency when it comes to personal affairs, even your look or character.”

As values evolve and ambitions become clearer, you might also be more inclined to break rules or resist expectations.

The Moon will continue its transit of Gemini until 12.06am BST when it enters nurturing Cancer, where you might feel slightly less bolshie and more vulnerable.

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