Can I go for a walk while self-isolating?

SELF ISOLATING has become a necessary evil during the coronavirus pandemic, with people having to stay home if they have been exposed to the virus. But can you go for a walk if you are self-isolating?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Vaccine: Dr Hilary says ‘I can’t believe how misinformed’ people are

are beginning to be rolled out around the world, but the virus is still spreading around the world. Tiered restrictions are in place across England in a bid to bring the R-rate down. Current rules state people need to isolate if they are waiting for coronavirus test results back, have tested positive for the virus or if they experience symptoms themselves.

For those who have symptoms of the virus, the Government advises to stay at home and begin to self-isolate for 10 days from when your symptoms start.

Symptoms include a new continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).

You should arrange to have a test for COVID-19 if you have not already had one.

The result of the test will determine how long you must stay at home and self-isolate.

Read More: How many people have had the covid vaccine?

Self Isolation rules: Can I go for a walk?

Can I go for a walk while self-isolating? (Image: GETTY)

Can I go for a walk while self-isolating?

For those who are having to self-isolate, remaining home for 10 days can be tough.

However, unfortunately, you cannot leave your home for any reason if you have been told to self-isolate, including for a walk.

If you break self-isolation rules you can be fined, with fines starting at £1,000 and rising to £10,000 for repeat offenders or serious breaches.

R rate map

Tier rules remain in place in a bid to bring down the R-rate (Image: EXPRESS)

vaccine for covid

Vaccines began on Tuesday, with care home residents and staff the first to be given the jab (Image: PA)

To exercise, you must instead use your garden or exercise in your home.

You cannot leave home for any reason - including shopping, school, work or exercise.

Hope has come for the end of lockdown measures in the form of vaccinations against the virus, which started being administered on Tuesday.

However, the roll-out of the vaccine will be done gradually - starting with the most vulnerable.

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Those receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine will have to receive two doses before being protected against the virus.

Sir Patrick Vallance, chief scientific adviser, said there would still be coronavirus transmission among the population once the most vulnerable are vaccinated.

On when lockdowns could no longer be needed due to Covid-19 vaccination, he told the Commons Science and Technology and Health and Social Care committees: "It's a science-informed political decision.

"What we're looking at is exactly that sort of question, as to depending on the effects of the vaccine on transmission, which we don't know yet, as Chris (Whitty) has said, you would have different models as to what that would mean in terms of the degree of immunity across the population you will end up with, that will be relevant to keeping suppression of transmission versus protecting those who are most vulnerable.

Vaccine list

Vaccines will be given to groups in order (Image: EXPRESS)

"Priority number one has to be, protect those who are most vulnerable, you can see the effects of that.

"There will still be transmission amongst others at that point, so we need to be aware of that, and then we will know a bit more as we learn about transmission across the different vaccines, what effect they have.

"But, ultimately, then there are some decisions to be made about how much risk society wishes to take with that."

A respite to the strict lockdown rules will come for five days over the Christmas period.

The UK will lift the tiered measures to allow up to three households to form a Christmas bubble from December 23 to December 27.

Britons can only be in one Christmas bubble, and you cannot change bubbles. 

You should travel to meet those in your Christmas bubble and return home between the December 23 and December 27. 

You can travel between tiers and UK nations for the purposes of meeting your Christmas bubble.

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