Back to work fears: Can I refuse to return to the office?

BORIS JOHNSON has announced employers can start getting their staff back to work where possible from August 1. But can you refuse to return to work?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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From August 1, the Government is dropping the advice to work at home where possible in a bid to get the economy back on track. Instead, employers are being encouraged to get staff back to work, so long as workplaces can be made Covid-Safe.

This means implementing social distancing guidelines and undertaking risk assessments to ensure the safety of every employee.

Staggering start times to avoid rush hour, encouraging employees to avoid public transport and setting up a one way system through buildings are also measures which could be used to ensure employees safety.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is keen to get the economy back on track, and with the return to work of employees nationwide, the high streets will benefit.

However, Mr Johnson has made it clear employers can decide whether it is right for their staff to return to work, or to continue working from home.

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Back to work: Boris Johnson

Back to work: Can you refuse to go back to the office? (Image: GETTY)

Can I refuse to return to the office?

The return to work may seem daunting for many, after four months of working from home.

But what are your rights at work? David Jepps, Employment Partner at Keystone Law spoke to about the obligation of employers.

Mr Jepps told “Boris Johnson’s suggestion that it is for employers to decide when to bring employees back to work opens a can of worms for employers.

Back to work: Man working in an office

Back to work: Boris Johnson has said employees can ask their workers to return to work from August 1 (Image: GETTY)

Back to work: Person cleaning keyboard

Back to work: Companies must ensure their offices are Covid-safe (Image: GETTY)

"The starting point is that in the current situation if employees can work from home then they should.

"But not all employers and indeed employees would want this."

Working from home can still continue, but if your employer wants to reopen the office - what do they have to do?

Mr Jepps explained: "Employers must undertake risk assessments, adjust work spaces, organise PPE and observe guidance in so far as is reasonable to achieve adequate health and safety at work expectations for their employees and most are happy to do this."

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However, the employment law expert explained there are "conundrums" with the current climate.

Mr Jepps said: "For example, if an employee is scared to travel then the starting point is that they aren’t entitled to pay if they don’t come to work.

"If they don’t come to work then that can be a disciplinary issue and they can potentially be fired if it is reasonable to do so.

"They shouldn’t be furloughed if there is work for them to do."

Back to work: Woman wearing mask on tube

Back to work: Employers may stagger start times to avoid rush hour (Image: GETTY)

However, there are ways around fears, and having an open dialogue with your employer is one way to start.

Approaching them about your concerns could result in a change in hours, continued work from home or something else to alleviate concerns.

Mr Jepps said: “An employer can suggest adjustments to working hours to try to work around the employees concerns or may even suggest “flexible furlough” but these changes must be agreed.

"Such suggestions could be expected if the employee has a medical issue as a “reasonable adjustment” but depending on the nature of the medical issue the answer might after all be to continue furlough, go on sick leave or even to continue employment on unpaid leave.”

And if you are concerned your office is not adhering to the Government's Covid-Safe guidelines - what can you do?

Laura Kearsley, partner in Nelsons’ expert employment law team told "The Government has issued extensive guidance for employers to ensure that workplaces are “Covid-19 secure” and this includes completing a risk assessment.

“Employees should offer suggestions to their employer if they think there are other measures that could be taken to protect the workforce.

"We recommend trying to maintain an open dialogue so employees can get reassurance that their safety is being taken seriously.

“Ultimately, if you do not attend work because of safety concerns, your employer could treat your absence as unauthorised and follow its disciplinary process.

“Employees do have legal rights not to be dismissed for raising health and safety claims but in the current climate, it would be preferable to try everything to resolve the situation without resorting to litigation, which could take many months.”

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