Christmas decorations: When do you take Christmas decorations down? Can you do it early?

CHRISTMAS is over, and for many this week is the return to work. But when should you take your Christmas decorations down? Is it unlucky to take them down early?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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The festive season has passed and we have welcomed the new year with drinks, fireworks and song. For many this week is one they dread, as it is the return to work after the Christmas break. Some may want to cling on to the magic of Christmas for that tiny bit longer, but others may have cleared away their decorations already.

When do you take your Christmas decorations down? 

Taking down the Christmas decorations can be a mixed experience. 

For some it symbolises the new year and removing the tree and tinsel readies the home for 2019. 

However, for others, saying goodbye to the twinkling fairy lights and magic of Santa leaves their home feeling bare. 

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Christmas Tree decorations

Christmas Tree decorations: When should you take down your Christmas decorations? (Image: GETTY)

The date of when to take down decorations is entirely up to you, but there are superstitions to say when this should be. 

Most people take down and tidy away their decorations before they return to work, but others wait until the Twelfth Night. 

The Twelfth Night is January 5 and is also known as the eve of the Epiphany.

The Epiphany is January 6, the day when the three kings arrived in Bethlehem to present the newborn baby Jesus with gifts.

Christmas Tree decorations

Christmas Tree decorations: Some believe the eve of the epiphany, January 5, is the day (Image: GETTY)

Is it unlucky to take down early? 

Superstition arises from the past belief that tree-spirits lived in the greenery – such as holly and ivy – that people used when to decorate their homes for Christmas. 

During the festive season, the foliage provided shelter for those spirits during the winter.

However, once the festive season ended they needed to be released outside.

Many believed if this tradition wasn’t followed, vegetation would not grow resulting in agricultural problems.

Christmas Tree decorations

Christmas Tree decorations: Others believe January 6 is the day to take them down (Image: GETTY)

Despite modern decorations moving away from greenery and more towards tinsel, lights and baubles there is still an unease from some should they not follow this custom.

However, January 5 being the date on which decorations should be taken down is disputed around the world.

Some believe instead this should be January 6. 

Parents used to tell their children that if their decorations were taken down before January 6, the wise men would not be able to find their way - as the lights represent the Star of Bethlehem. 

Those who follow the January 6 tradition include Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.

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