How to sleep: The top tips for sleeping in the heat ‘you may not have thought of’

WHILE the constant sunshine during the day can lift your spirits, the persistent heat during the night might be not so welcome. From tossing and turning to relentless sweating, the current heatwave is leaving many people without a proper slumber. However, an expert explains there's plenty you can do to stop the heat from robbing you of dreams.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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“In summer, many people are likely to find themselves struggling to get a decent night’s sleep because of the heat,” said natural health expert and researcher Dr Tim Bond from Puressentiel. Fortunately, the expert shared his top tips for dozing off even during scorching heat.

The expert said: “The ideal temperature for sleep is about 65°F (18.3°C), give or take a few degrees, so if your bedroom and your bed specifically are higher than this temperature it may interfere with your sleep.”

With the temperatures set to creep up into the 40s, this might be a difficult goal to meet.

However, Dr Bond recommended various techniques that could still guarantee a sweet slumber.

From sleeping closer to the floor to a wet flannel, here are the tips “you may not have thought of”.

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How to sleep: Expert tips for sleeping in the heat include sleeping on your side.

How to sleep: Expert tips for sleeping in the heat include sleeping on your side. (Image: GETTY)

Sleep closer to the floor

It’s no secret that heat rises, which could be currently leaving those living on the top floor sweating hard.

Dr Bond said: “Hot air is less dense and, therefore, lighter than cooler air – so it rises.

Sleeping downstairs or on a mattress on the floor is likely to be cooler and potentially more comfortable.”

While moving your mattress around might sound like an extra faff, this tip could help get some cooler air.


Sleep on your side

If you usually tend to sleep in this position, you might be onto something as this exposes more of your body to the air.

Dr Bond said: “If you usually sleep on your back or front, you should try sleeping on your side when it's too hot to sleep.

“Sleeping in this position actually exposes a larger portion of your body to the air, letting the heat from your body escape and regulating your body temperature to a much more comfortable level.”

Cosy up to a flannel

This is similar to using a hot water bottle in the winter months but this summer trick involves ice coldness instead.

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“Wet a flannel and place it in the fridge for an hour or so.

“Wet a flannel and place it in the fridge for an hour or so." (Image: GETTY)

The expert said: “Wet a flannel and place it in the fridge for an hour or so before getting into bed.

“Laying it on your forehead can help you drift off into a peaceful slumber.

“Or dig your hot water bottle out and fill it with ice cold water. An ice cold hug will feel so good.”

Try essential oils

Dr Bond said: “Tossing, turning and fretting about not sleeping are all counter productive actions when wanting to sleep.”

This is where the “calming” properties of essential oils could come to rescue.

How to sleep explained.

How to sleep explained. (Image:

The expert shared that marjoram, for example, offers several compounds which aid sleep.

Another option is sandalwood which is “recognised” for its sedative effects that induce calming, antidepressant and de-stressing effects.

While sleep is known for being necessary for good health, a lack of it “runs much deeper” than just drowsiness.

The doctor added: “It can impact every aspect of health and wellbeing.

“From impacting the immune system to a greater risk of depression and anxiety, pain problems, and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.”

That’s why it’s important to not let this current heatwave rob you of that shut-eye.

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