How to live longer: The cooking oil which may cut your risk of dying

THERE'S no simple solution for boosting longevity. However, there are certain lifestyle interventions that can contribute to good health and consequently a longer lifespan. New research has found that swapping products like butter and mayonnaise for this one cooking ingredient may protect against death from various causes.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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Certain diseases, including cardiovascular disease, are the leading causes of death, according to the World Health Organisation. Lowering your risk of these may in return boost your overall longevity. And from heart disease to cancer, the risk of dying from these causes may be cut by a simple food change, according to new research.

The essential cooking ingredient which may lower your risk of dying is olive oil.

The many health benefits of the golden liquid are well-documented.

A staple of a Mediterranean diet, the oil has previously been linked to lower cholesterol and a lower risk of heart disease or stroke, the Harvard Medical School stated.

Now, new research has found that olive oil can also cut your risk of dying from various causes.

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How to live longer: Olive oil may cut your risk of dying

How to live longer: Olive oil may cut your risk of dying. (Image: GETTY)

The study, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, reports that having more than seven grams of this cooking oil is linked to a lower risk of dying.

According to the research, seven grams is the equivalent of less than a half of a tablespoon.

The oil can lower the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease and respiratory disease.

Neurodegenerative diseases describe conditions that result in progressive degeneration and death of nerve cells, for example, dementia, according to Physiopedia.


Meanwhile, respiratory diseases include the likes of fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer, as reported by National Cancer Institute.

The new study details that swapping about 10 grams of margarine, butter or mayonnaise with the equivalent amount of olive oil could also lower the risk of mortality.

The study looked at more than 90,000 people from different studies.

Their diet was assessed through a questionnaire every four years.

The olive oil has been previously linked with lower cholesterol and a lower risk of heart disease or stroke.

The olive oil has been previously linked with lower cholesterol and a lower risk of heart disease or (Image: GETTY)

The researchers also noticed that participants who consumed olive oil were often more physically active, were of southern European or Mediterranean ancestry and ate more fruits and vegetables.

When the research team compared those who regularly consumed olive oil to those who rarely or never used it, they noticed the lower risk of mortality from various causes.

The study also suggests that replacing 10 grams of other fats, such as margarine, butter, mayonnaise and dairy fat, with olive oil was linked to lower risk as well, recorded between eight to 34 percent.

Swapping olive oil for other vegetable oils showed “no significant associations”.

How to live longer.

How to live longer. (Image: )

The study's lead author Marta Guasch-Ferré, PhD, said: "It's possible that higher olive oil consumption is a marker of an overall healthier diet and higher socioeconomic status.

“However, even after adjusting for these and other social-economic status factors, our results remained largely the same.

"Our study cohort was predominantly a non-Hispanic white population of health professionals, which should minimise potentially confounding socioeconomic factors, but may limit generalisability as this population may be more likely to lead a healthy lifestyle."

This new study adds to the plentiful benefits of olive oil consumption, which now include boosting longevity.

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