Roses will ‘go mental’ and ‘flourish like crazy’ with gardeners’ easy ‘10-second task’

Roses are undoubtedly the most popular flowers in gardens, and it's not difficult to see why. They are versatile, come in many colours and varieties, and they also smell absolutely divine. For any gardener, the timing of when roses bloom is essential knowledge.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Alan Titchmarsh gives advice on growing shrub roses

may think that now that the weather is starting to cool down their roses will stop blooming.

However, autumn is one of the best blooming seasons for roses. As the weather cools, the get back into their mode. 

The one thing that can get in the way of roses blooming is if gardeners fail to carry out a certain task. 

Unsure of whether it is dormant for their roses to be budding right now, one gardener took to the Gardening UK Facebook page to ask for some advice.

Carolyn Smith asked: “Is it normal for my rose to be budding again at this time of year?”

Rose Flowers with Multi-colored Background

Autumn is one of the best blooming seasons for roses (Image: Getty)

Group members in the comments section claimed that it is normal, but that gardeners will typically see more blooms if they are deadheading their roses.

Jackie Dupre said: “Mine is doing the same, in fact lots of the flowers in my garden are still budding and blooming because I’ve deadheading them.”

Sally Ware wrote: “Cut my rose right back as leaves went all brown, that was about four weeks ago. It now looks really good.”

Gloria Southall said: “Yes, if you deadhead them they will keep sending more flowers. The task only takes 10 seconds to do.”

cutting a rose bush using pruning shears to encourage rose blooming

Deadheading roses will encourage more blooms (Image: Getty)

Lyn Mclead commented: “Mine are flourishing like crazy, new buds, bursting with flowers after deadheading.”

Anne Hudson claimed: “My rose has got a second lot of blooms and buds on at the moment! It's amazing.”

Michelle Johnson wrote: “Mine have gone mental and are on their third round. I have two of the same variety that flower right into December. I have photographs of them with snow on them. They are called Father”.

Deadheading is the removal of the withered or otherwise finished blooms of a plant in order to encourage fresh blooms and new growth, keeping the plant looking fresh. 

When it comes to roses, perhaps the most iconic flower and one of the loveliest of garden plants, regular deadheading is important to keep the sumptuous blooms looking fresh and attractive.

To remove the finished bloom from a flowering head, pinch or cut off the finished flower, just below where the base of the flower joins the stem. Leave any remaining buds or blooms to continue flowering.

To remove a flowering head once all the blooms in a cluster have finished, remove the entire flowering head by cutting the stem just above the first leaf with five leaflets.

Once all the flowering heads have been removed, cut any disproportionally tall stems back to the height of the rest of the plant, creating a nice rounded shape as you go.

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