Five ‘trouble-making’ plants that will ‘wipe out' tomato plant ‘fast’ if grown nearby

Companion planting is essential for having a successful growing season. There is a vast range of great companion plants for tomatoes, but there are also many plants to avoid planting next to these crops according to one expert when speaking exclusively to

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Organic tomato plant, red tomatoes

5 ‘trouble-making’ plants to avoid growing near tomatoes - will ‘wipe out your crop fast’ (Image: Getty)

Tomato are delicate so they need to be properly cultivated to get the best out of them. 

Gardeners need to be aware of those plants that they should not dare cultivate with tomatoes because it might attract , reduce their nutrients, or attract diseases to them.

To assist gardeners with what they should not be growing near their tomato plants, Mariusz Baran, owner of We Clear Everything has shared his advice. 

The expert claimed that knowing which plants not to grow besides tomatoes isn't just about making things look pretty, “it's essential for ensuring the health and longevity” of the plant.

1. Cabbages

The expert claimed that tomatoes and cabbages “shouldn't be BFFs in the ” because they’re like “two kids fighting over the same toy”. 

Cabbage in garden

Cabbages compete for the same nutrients as tomatoes, resulting in lackluster growth (Image: Getty)

Mariusz explained: “They compete for the same nutrients, resulting in lacklustre growth for both parties involved. 

“To make matters worse, these trouble-making plants also attract the same pests, turning your garden into a pest party central.”

2. Fennel

This herb may look innocent, but it's got some “sneaky moves”, according to the gardening pro. 

Mariusz noted that fennel has this knack for releasing substances from its roots that can put a damper on the growth of nearby plants, especially poor tomato plants. 


Fennel has this knack for releasing substances that can put a damper on the growth of nearby plants (Image: Getty)

The expert explained: “It's like fennel saying, ‘hey, tomato, step aside, I'm the star here’ and before you know it, your tomatoes are struggling to keep up.”

3. Dill

When dill is a young sprout, it can actually be a buddy to tomato plants. They can coexist and help each other out. 

But here’s the catch, as dill grows up, it can “turn into a resource hog”. The plant will then start “hogging all the sunlight” and “snatching up soil nutrients” that tomatoes desperately need. These tomatoes then end up “feeling cramped and stunted”.

4. Potatoes

One of the enemies of tomatoes is potatoes, even though they are distant relatives of tomatoes. 

Man digging potatoes with fork

Planting potatoes near tomatoes is like playing a dangerous game of disease roulette (Image: Getty)

Mariusz said: “They may share a family tree, but they’re not the best of companions. Planting potatoes near tomatoes is like playing a dangerous game of disease roulette. They can pass on a nasty blight to each other - your whole crop can be wiped out fast.”

5. Broccoli 

While broccoli might be a type of superfood, it's not the ideal buddy for tomatoes. 

Like cabbages, the expert claimed the two plants are “like siblings fighting over mom's attention”. He said: “Both of them are hungry for the same nutrients in the soil, and there's only so much to go around.”

What’s more, broccoli has this huge root system that loves invading the personal space of tomato plants.

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