'Quickest fix' for pet urine patches on your lawn to achieve a 'uniform colour'

Weeds and extreme weather conditions are the most common culprits for lawn damage, but pets can leave a mark on your garden grass too. Fortunately, there's an easy fix for yellow patches caused by animal urine.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Yellow patch on lawn/ dog peeing on lawn

A mixture of yellow and extra green patches can make lawns look uneven (Image: GETTY)

Soft grass is often the go-to spot for and to go to the toilet but it can take its toll on garden over time. When the same patches are exposed to strong urine, luscious green blades can turn yellow and appear burnt. A expert has shared the most effective remedies for a discoloured lawn if you've noticed it on your own .

According to Timothy Greene at iCANLAWN.com, all dog urine contains a lawn-burning chemical known as nitrogen.

While the same substance is used in many lawn products like food and fertiliser, Timothy noted that it is only effective in this instance when the grass is well hydrated.

He said: "Nitrogen will burn your grass if it isn’t watered thoroughly. And if your dog uses your lawn as their bathroom, there is a very good chance you have some very green patches of grass and some very yellow and dead ones."

The contrasting colours occur when the rain combines with nitrogen-rich urine that's already in the grass. This essential has the same effect as shop-bought formulas.

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A pet Labrador dog looking guilty next to a brown patch of grass that has been burnt by the excessive nitrogen in dog urine or wee

Pet urine contains nitrogen which can affect underwatered grass (Image: Getty)

Timothy said: "You are in luck if your dog’s pee patches are very green! Either you have been watering these areas well, or your lawn has received plenty of recent rainfall.

"Although you have avoided the dreaded burn patches, your super green and thick patches may still look slightly out of place and pale compared to the rest of your lawn."

He noted that "the quickest fix" to achieve a "uniform colour" is to use nitrogen products.

This should be in the form of lawn feed that will "work fast" to turn yellow patches green once again.

Likewise, if there has been no recent rainfall or you forgot to water where your dog has gone potty, your grass may suffer from yellow dead patches.

The best form of repair for these unsightly patches is to dig them up and start "from scratch".

To do this, you should remove the affected clusters of grass blades by lifting them with a trowel.

Though this will leave you with patches of bare soil, they can be overseeded.

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Timothy recommended using topsoil to fill the gaps though he warned against composting the area.

Sprinkle your seed - like the icanlawn.com Tough Stuff Lush Lawn on top and leave it to grow.

You should ensure that the repaired patch is kept moist for the first six weeks after sowing by watering it every day.

Of course, watering can be reduced to a few times a week if there is natural rainfall to supplement it.

To avoid burnt grass patches in the future, Timothy explained that it is as simple as watering your lawn after your pet uses it.

He said: "This will help lessen nitrogen’s effect and keep your grass from burning.

"The best way to do this is by using a garden hose or a watering can – it is unlikely that a sprinkler will water these patches enough to reduce the chance of burning."

Alternatively, you could cordon off an area for your dog to use regularly to make it easier to treat long-term.

How and when to use lawn feeds and treatments

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