How to avoid ‘killing’ tomato plants while ‘encouraging fruit production’ - ‘important’

GROWING tomatoes is a popular pastime in the UK, with many Britons going from garden to table instead of buying the tasty fruits from the supermarket. While they tend to be fairly easy to grow, there are several mistakes gardeners tend to make that can "kill the plant".

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Alan Titchmarsh gives advice on how to plant tomatoes

When you’re trying to grow your own edible food, tomatoes are a go-to crop due to their high success rate - not to mention their tastiness. However, there are still plenty of tomato-growing woes might experience that could be avoided with the proper preparation and knowledge. From a lack of support to improper watering, some of these tomato mistakes can be grave.

To help, gardening expert Oliver Hill from Garden List spoke exclusively to on what gardeners must not do when caring for their tomato plant.

One of the first mistakes Oliver said that gardeners make when growing tomatoes is not using a support.

Many types of tomatoes, including both determinate and indeterminate varieties, require a support structure to keep them off the ground.

The expert explained: “Tomatoes need support as they grow, especially if you're growing indeterminate varieties. 

“Without support, the plants will sprawl on the ground and the fruits will be more susceptible to rot and pests.”

Oliver suggested using cages, stakes, or trellises to provide support for tomato plants.


How to avoid ‘killing’ tomato plants while ‘encouraging fruit production’ - ‘important’

How to avoid ‘killing’ tomato plants while ‘encouraging fruit production’ - ‘important’ (Image: GETTY)

Overwatering is also a big factor when it comes to tomato plants dying.

Oliver said: “Tomato plants don't like wet feet, so it's important not to overwater them. 

“Water deeply but less often, letting the soil dry out slightly between waterings.”

Sandy soil may only need irrigation every four to five days, whereas heavy soil can get away with every seven to 10 days. Of course, you should take into account weekly rainfall in your area.

Particularly near the end of the season, reducing irrigation can help you achieve that sweet spot for flavour. 

Still, make sure to keep your tomatoes plenty hydrated as they become established, then, as they begin to ripen, pull back on watering.


With that said, consistent moisture is key to thriving tomato crops. 

Though they benefit from their soil drying out a bit in between each watering, drastic or irregular changes in moisture levels can cause issues with your fruit, like splitting and blossom end rot. 

Tomatoes likely have blossom end rot if there is a soft or rotten spot at the bottoms, but you can still eat them if there is a small amount of rot that can be cut off. 

Check the soil daily by placing your finger an inch or two beneath the surface to ensure it is evenly moist.

While it is essential to fertilise your tomato plant, too much can “kill the plant”.

The gardening pro said: “Tomatoes are heavy feeders, so they do need to be fertilised regularly. 

While it is essential to fertilise your tomato plant, too much can “kill the plant”

Gardening tips: While it is essential to fertilise your tomato plant, too much can “kill the plant” (Image: GETTY)

“However, you can overdo it with the fertiliser, which can lead to leaf burn or even kill the plants.”

To stop this happening, Oliver advised gardeners to “use a balanced fertiliser and “follow the directions on the package”.

Too much nitrogen, a key ingredient found in plant fertiliser, can cause your crop to grow too quickly, resulting in less actual fruit and excessive leaf foliage that is prone to pest infestation.

Pruning plants is vital for healthy growth but many gardeners forget about this task.

The gardening enthusiast explained: “Pruning tomato plants helps to improve air circulation and prevents disease. 

“It also encourages the plant to put its energy into fruit production, rather than leaf growth. 

“Use sharp pruners to remove any dead or diseased leaves, as well as any suckers that are growing from the joint where the leaves meet the stem.”

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Gardening planner: When to grow different types of veg in your garden (Image: EXPRESS)

However, before gardeners start clipping away at their tomato plants, they shouldn’t cut or prune determinate varieties, as this can reduce harvest. 

Only prune indeterminate plants once they’re about six to eight inches tall, pinching or cutting back the leaves at the end of a stem to the next stem or node. 

The final mistake gardeners make is not protecting their plant from pests and diseases.

Tomato plants are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases, so it's important to take steps to protect them.

To do this effectively, Oliver suggested: “Use row covers to keep pests off the plants, and remove any infested leaves or fruits as soon as you see them. 

“You can also treat your plants with an organic pesticide or fungicide if necessary.”

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